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Jane Raisch


Jane Raisch joined the department in 2017 after receiving her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkeley. During her time at Berkeley, she was a fellow at the Townsend Center for the Humanities and an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Critical Bibliography at Rare Book School at the University of Virginia. She taught courses on nostalgia, being lost, and visual representations of myth and was chair of the Townsend Center History of the Book Working Group.

Jane specializes in the literature of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England and Europe and the reception of the classical world. At York, she is a member of the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies and is currently working on a book project that explores the influence of Greek literature on early modern fiction and the history of scholarship. 

Contact details

Dr Jane Raisch
Department of English
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323357