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Home>School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

Frontier research, future technologies.

Study with us

Our courses in Physics and Engineering provide you with the skills to solve problems across all spheres.

This means you'll be set up to succeed across a diverse range of careers.

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Research and innovation

We apply expertise in fundamental physics and engineering to drive innovation in science and technology.

Our well-established industry links translate our research into solutions to real-world problems. Our doors are open to new collaborations.

Explore our research and innovation

Public and schools outreach

We offer a wide range of activities for the public, families and school students of all ages.

Explore the mysteries of the universe at our observatory, the Astrocampus. Delve into nuclear physics using Lego. Take part in hands-on engineering workshops, and much more.

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Where physics and engineering drive change

Welcome to our School.

We bring physicists and engineers together to push the frontiers of knowledge, foster innovation and meet the grand challenges facing society.

Our aim is to develop new technologies that work for the public good, in an environment where everyone can thrive.



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