Accessibility statement


Research Degrees

MA by Research, MPhil, PhD

Applications are invited from graduates who wish to read for research degrees full-time or part-time in Archaeology, English, History or History of Art. Accepted applicants with single-subject and interdisciplinary research topics within the chronological period 1650-1850 form a key part of the CECS community. The interests of CECS staff are very extensive and supervision can be offered on an extremely wide range of research topics. Their research interests, and the resources available at York, are fully described in individual staff entries.

How to apply for a research degree


Students wishing to apply for a research degree are invited to make preliminary contacts with members of staff and the relevant department. They should also indicate their interest in the Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies, and any preference for an individual supervisor on their application. 

See the options below for detailed information about applying to individual departments:

Research Degrees in Archaeology
Research Degrees in English

Research Degrees in History
Research Degrees in the History of Art

The Centre also hosts the CECS Postgraduate Forum, which is an informal group that meets bi-weekly during semester time on Tuesdays. It is the perfect place to deliver your first paper, or for a dry-run of a paper before a conference, the warmly encouraging and yet critically challenging ethos of the Forum gives students the opportunity to build their confidence in publicly discussing their work. The forum also welcomes guest postgraduate speakers from other universities and workshops from eminent scholars from around the world.

For informal enquiries about research degrees, please contact individual members of staff, or email