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The Rebuilding of British Towns, 1760 -1830

Saturday 13 March 2021, 2.00PM

Speaker(s): Geoffrey Tyack, Editor of the Georgian Group Journal

Many of our towns and cities reinvented themselves in the late Georgian period in response to the economic and cultural changes that were transforming Britain. This copiously illustrated talk will look at the causes and effects of this ‘great rebuilding’. It will draw attention to the ways in which improved communications, new concerns for the public realm, new patterns of leisure, and growing consumerism all made an impact on the urban landscape that we still experience today, both in York and in towns throughout the country.

Please note, this event will include the York Georgian Society AGM (including the presentation of the Nuttgens Award 2021), and is followed by the Lecture at approximately 2.30pm.

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Location: Zoom