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William Kent's Gothic at the Minster: Its influence on Georgian Gothic Design

Saturday 9 January 2021, 2.30PM

Speaker(s): Peter Lindfield, Senior Research Associate, Manchester Metropolitan University

William Kent, known for his brilliant classical works across many media, including architecture, landscape architecture, interiors, applied design, and furniture, was also an occasional dabbler in the Gothic. This talk addresses his now lost contribution to York Minster, and explores how his innovative and idiosyncratic reinterpretation of Gothic design had widespread influence over what is now termed 'the Gothic Revival'. Examples of the latter include Horace Walpole's Gothic villa, Strawberry Hill; the furniture of the Countess of Pomfret; Shobdon Church in Herefordshire; and one of the most significant, but now lost, pieces of Georgian Gothic in Manchester, St John's Church.

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