CECS Day Conference Saturday 6th May 2000
Illustration: Bartolozzi, after Ramberg,
from Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield 1766
Speakers: James Chandler, Cora Kaplan, Marcia Pointon, John Barrell,
Fay Bound, Alasdair Brooks, Joanna de Groot, Mark Jenner, Angela Jianu
9.30 Arrival and coffee
10.00 Marcia Pointon, Portraits as artefacts in the management of sentiment in eighteenth-century England
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Graduate panel: Perspectives on private lives
Alasdair Brooks, Some very private nations: an archaeological study of cultural identity and 18th and 19th century teawares in southwest Wales and the Outer Hebrides Fay Bound, Structuring sentiment: the authorship of affect in eighteenth-century England
Angela Jianu, The gypsies of Romania: from legal objects to objects of affection, 1700-1855
12.45 Lunch at the York Theatre Royal
1.45 Jim Chandler, The emergence of sentimental probability
3.00 Cora Kaplan, 'The Toy Seller': affect, race and gender in Britain 1826-1865
4.00 Tea
4.15-5.00 Comment. Led by John Barrell, Joanna de Groot, Mark Jenner