MultilingProfiler is a freely available online tool for profiling the vocabulary in French, German and Spanish texts. It is developed by The University of York in partnership with Professor Laurence Anthony (Waseda University).
MultilingProfiler helps users assess the suitability of written texts and listening transcripts for target learner groups using four list types:
- Customisable word frequency lists
- Word lists aligning with the new GCSE
- Cumulative weekly word lists aligned with the NCELP schemes of work
- Custom lists
This makes it very quick and easy to find out how many of the words in a text are included on a particular list, and to adapt texts or add glosses as necessary. Words that are ‘on list’ appear black in text profiles, and words that are ‘off list’ appear orange. Users can edit texts directly in the profiling window and immediately profile the adapted versions again.
Words and word families can be added to any word list embedded in MultilingProfiler using the ‘Add to List’ function. Statistical information about the coverage provided by the lists (both including and excluding words added by the user) is provided in the ‘Word Statistics’ and ‘Word Family Statistics’ tables directly beneath the profiling window.
The MultilingProfiler is free to use for non-commercial purposes (eg individual teaching and research), under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.
If users would like to use it directly or indirectly for commercial purposes, licences can be arranged. Please get in touch with or