Three-part series: Gearing up for the new GCSE

Using expert analysis and practical steps to help all language teachers and leaders approach the new GCSE with confidence, this series of three highly interactive sessions brings together MFL practitioners for rich discussion as we get underway with first teaching of the new GCSE in French, Spanish and German from September 2024.

  • Audience: Secondary MFL teachers/Secondary subject leads for MFL
  • Course presenters: Jenny Hopper and Victoria Hobson
  • Fee: £50 per session, £125 when booked as a three-part series

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Working with your SoW, you will analyse and discuss what to change and what to keep at KS3&4, in order to equip students of all abilities with the secure knowledge they need to succeed and the motivation to sustain them through KS4 and beyond.

  • Date: Tuesday 15th October 2024
  • Time: 16:30-18:00
  • Session fee: £50

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Rich practice ideas for phonics, vocabulary and grammar to set students on a path of steadily improving and ever more confident communication in speaking and writing and enhanced understanding in reading and listening.

  • Date: Tuesday 12th November 2024
  • Time: 16:30 - 18:00
  • Session fee: £50

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Using the LDP’s Lexical Profiler Tool, you will learn how to profile texts for reading and listening purposes, in light of  the requirements of the new specifications. This will draw on vocabulary lists from AQA, Edexcel and LDP and lead to greater confidence in designing and adapting your own texts.

  • Date: Tuesday 10th December 2024
  • Time: 16:30 - 18:00
  • Session fee: £50

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Save £25 by booking all 3 parts of the CPD series in one go for £125

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