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New project tackles sexual harassment on campus

Posted on 29 March 2017

CRESJ researcher Dr. Vanita Sundaram will jointly lead the HEFCE-funded research and action project

CRESJ's Dr. Vanita Sundaram is to lead pioneering work with the University's colleges to challenge and prevent sexual harassment and violence in the University community. The research and action project is funded by HEFCE to develop and implement research-informed training for student leaders on gender-based harassment and violence, response to disclosures of harassment and/or violence, and intervention in cases of harassment or violence. The project will draw on existing research into sexual misconduct in higher education to educate student leaders on forms and impacts of harassment and violence, best practice for first response to student disclosures, and skills for safe intervention in cases of sexual misconduct. 
The project dovetails with existing work on sexual violence training for university staff and will form a case study of good practice for the Universities UK Taskforce on Violence Against Women, Harassment and Hate Crime.
See more on our research on gender, sexuality and education.