Posted on 21 September 2016
Ian Davies, Edda Sant and Antonio Santisteban have been awarded the Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association Best Publication Award (2015) for The identities of Catalan and English secondary students. British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2), 235-260. The article is based on questionnaire and interview data from 583 secondary school students in 9 schools. Our results suggest that while the English students in our sample understand citizenship in terms of a subjective identification, our Catalan students perceive citizenship as a legal and externally assigned status. We make recommendations for how school-based citizenship education may contribute to current challenges related to citizenship and identities.
The full reference for the article is Sant, E., Davies, I., & Santisteban, A. (2016). The identities of Catalan and English secondary students. British Journal of Educational Studies, 64(2), 235-260.