Posted on 10 November 2015
CRESJ researcher Dr Vanita Sundaram has published a new book, edited in collaboration with Dr Helen Sauntson (York St. John University), which draws on cutting-edge research from several countries to investigate and discuss contemporary sex and relationships education. The book covers a range of relevant topics, including violence against women and girls, sexual consent, pornography and digital cultures, sexual diversity and religious pluralities. Contributors include researchers and practitioners from the UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Dr Sundaram said: "I am delighted that this collection brings together cutting edge contributions from a range of renowned scholars in the field. It seeks to inform the global debate on the content, form and delivery of sex and relationships education by drawing on original research from the global North and South. Contested issues such as consent education, the role of pornography within SRE and violence against women and girls prevention work in schools are addressed in this collection."
Further details of the book, published by Palgrave Macmillan, are available here.