We are interested in reading and writing processes in those who know more than one language, and in how people learn to read and write in a second language (L2). Irena Kuzborska examines the development of academic reading by focusing on both the cognitive aspects of learning to read and social and political contexts within which readers are situated. Joe Fagan looks at the effects of training on writing in academic English in prospective postgraduate students, with particular reference to modality.
Irena Kuzborska, Department of Education
Fen-Ju Cheng, PhD student, University of York
Steve Gow, PhD student, University of York
Nettie Boivin, PhD student, University of York
Alaidde Berenice Villanueva Aguilera, PhD student, University of York
Dewi Rosmala, PhD student, University of York
Herri Mulyono, PhD student, University of York
Li Yin, PhD student, University of York
Haiwei Zhang, PhD student, University of York
Marianna Kaimaki, Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, University of York
Research themes
- Bilingualism and bilingual cognition
- Classroom-based language learning, teaching and assessment
- Computer-assisted language learning
- Cross-cultural interaction analysis
- Language teacher education
- Psychology and individual differences in language learning, teaching
- Research methodology and methods
- Second language acquisition
- Second language and bilingual processing
- Spoken and written discourse in educational settings
- The earliest stages of language learning