We are interested in the effects of knowing more than one language on cognition. Danijela Trenkic and Annie Clarke are investigating calendar processing in Chinese-English bilinguals. Norbert Vanek examines event conceptualisation processes in Czech-English and Hungarian-English sequential bilinguals.
Danijela Trenkic, Department of Education
Miho Sasaki, Keio University, Japan
Fatih Bayram, Newcastle University
Vivian Cook, Newcastle University
Research themes
- Classroom-based language learning, teaching and assessment
- Computer-assisted language learning
- Cross-cultural interaction analysis
- Language teacher education
- Literacy, biliteracy, L2 reading and writing
- Psychology and individual differences in language learning, teaching
- Research methodology and methods
- Second language acquisition
- Second language and bilingual processing
- Spoken and written discourse in educational settings
- The earliest stages of language learning