Accessibility statement

Dr Tetyana Lunyova
Researchers at Risk Fellow



I joined the department as a Researchers at Risk Fellow on the British Academy and CARA sponsored Programme in August 2022.

Prior to this, I worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Philology of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine).

I obtained a first degree in the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, the English language, and World literature from Poltava V.G. Korolenko State Pedagogical Institute (Poltava, Ukraine). I completed my PhD in English lexical semantics and text stylistics at Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

I am also a creative writer in Ukrainian.



My research interests revolve around semantic and pragmatic dimensions of meaning making in educational, societal, and aesthetic contexts.

My main current research interests are:

  • language policies and debates on them in Ukraine,
  • decolonised TESOL practices and current challenges of teaching English in Ukraine,
  • EMI in higher education,
  • ekphrasis in literary texts and essays.


I am currently collaborating with Dr Ursula Lanvers and Prof Rachel Wicaksono (York St John University) on the British Council funded project “Decolonising teaching of English in Ukrainian secondary schools: understanding teachers’ perceptions of English and promoting teacher professional development and wellbeing”.

In 2017-2019 I worked together with Dr Ursula Lanvers and Dr Paul Roberts on the British Council funded project “A critical approach to training for English Medium Instruction in Higher Education: towards a theory of EMI”.

In 2016-2017 I collaborated with Dr Martin Lamb (the University of Leeds) on Exploratory visit Partnership/Mobility project funded by the British Council.

Research group(s)

Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Education (CASLE)

External activities


I am a member of the following international professional associations:

  • BAAL – the British Association of Applied Linguistics
  • PALA – Poetics And Linguistics Association
  • IALS – International Association of Literary Semantics

I am a member of the following professional associations in Ukraine:

  • Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics
  • TESOL-Ukraine
  • IATEFL-Ukraine

I am also a member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine and a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (section of Art criticism).

Public talks and lectures

In June 2023 I delivered the talk “The Linguistic Aspect of Russia’s war in Ukraine” with Dr Ursula Lanvers at York Festival of Ideas.

In April 2023 I delivered the public lecture “The history of the Ukrainian language” with Dr Maryna Kapas-Romaniuk at the University of York.

Research showcase

In June 2023 my drop-in activities “The Paintings Quest Trail Worksheet” developed for the wider public were used at The British Academy Summer Showcase.

Contact details

Dr Tetyana Lunyova
Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD