Accessibility statement

Professor Rob Klassen


I am Professor and Chair of the Psychology in Education Research Centre at the University of York.

I began my academic career in 2004 in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta in Canada and came to York in 2012. I previously worked as a teacher (1988-1992) and school psychologist (1992-2004) in Vancouver, Canada, with one-year stints in England (1998-99) and Australia (2003). 

My first two degrees (B.Ed. and M.A., Educational Psychology) are from the University of British Columbia, and my PhD (Educational Psychology) is from Simon Fraser University (2003). 

I am keen to communicate with UK and international academic colleagues and potential PhD students interested in developing and testing innovative methods for teacher and educational leader recruitment, selection, and development.




Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324396