My current role in the Department focuses on professionalism in Education. I have worked for over ten years in Teacher Education, most recently as the Director of Initial Teacher Training here at York. I contribute to teaching on the BA programme in Education, leading the Perspectives in Education module. I am the course leader for the MA in Education and the MA in Educational Practice.
I have worked for York Local Authority as a Teaching and Learning Consultant, working with teachers and pupils in all York schools, colleges and training centres. The focus of much of this work is linked to teaching and learning, 14-19 Reforms, vocational education, teacher research projects and partnership working.
Previously I have been involved with the National College of School Leadership (NCSL) Network Learning Community work in York, with a focus on Assessment for Learning and with the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Pathfinder Project focusing on 14-19 Business Partnership working. Other project experience includes Citizenship Education and Diversity in Initial Teacher Training. I am the author of a number of publications in research and development journals.
My previous experience includes leading a successful History department in a large state secondary school and Cross-curricular Literacy Coordinator in a school.
My principal areas of interest are: Literacy, Thinking Skills,
Assessment for Learning, Vocational/Enterprise Learning, Citizenship and
Every Child Matters.
Selected publications
Mountford, P. (2010). Literacies and the teaching and learning of history: current approaches to reading the past. In I. Davies (Ed), Debates in History Teaching. London: Routledge.
Davies, I., Gannon, A., & Mountford, P. (2009). Every Child Matters: the perceptions of a sample of initial teacher education trainees in England.
Davies, I., Flanagan, B., Hogarth, S., & Mountford, P. (2009). Asking questions about participation. Education citizenship and social justice, 4(1), 25-40.
Davies, I., Arthur, J., Fairbrass, S., Mountford, P., Revell, L. and West, E. (2007) Citizenship and the Assessment of Trainees. Education, citizenship and social justice, 2(2), 83-102.
Mountford, P. and Price, I. (2004) Thinking Skill, Assessment for Learning and Literacy Strategies in Teaching History. Teacher Development 8(2-3), 233
Mountford, P. and Wilcock, A. (2004) How to develop effective assessment for learning strategies in your school. Putting policy into practice
Mountford, P. (2003) Coaching to enhance performance – a case study, Secondary Leadership Paper 16
Mountford, P. and Wilcock, A. (2003) Using Assessment for Learning in everyday lessons, Curriculum Briefing, 2(1), 42-46
Mountford, P. Literacy in History Key Stage 3 National Strategy DFES 0046/2002
Mountford, P., Hogg, M., Stoney, J., Slater, S. and Brown, M. (2002) Human Rights in the Curriculum – History, Amnesty International, ISBN 1873328542
Mountford, P. and Price, I. (2002) Thinking Skills and GCSE History, NUT Scholarship and Newcastle University, DFES Innovations Unit
Mountford, P. (2001) Working as a team to teach the Holocaust well: a Language-centred approach, Teaching History, 104