I am a part-time tutor on the PGCE course, currently working with Core and School Direct trainees. I work with a range of trainee teachers as they develop their skills in order to become enthusiastic and effective teachers.
I have been an English teacher for over 25 years, working in range of schools and holding a variety of positions of responsibility, including Subject Leader in a large and successful comprehensive in York. I am also a Specialist Leader in Education for English and I chair the subject leaders network in York.
I also worked on the English PGCE course at Durham University for almost ten years. During my time as an English teacher I have taught English and Drama to all ages. I have been involved in a number of research projects focusing on effective learning, Grammar for Writing, verbal feedback and target setting. I have also developed CPD training materials for colleagues in school. I still find the classroom a highly enjoyable and stimulating environment and I hope that I communicate this enthusiasm to the trainees.