Accessibility statement

Mirjam Buehler


Born in Switzerland, educated in Germany and England with teaching qualifications from both countries and teaching experience in both education systems, I have great personal commitment to education and care passionately about its quality.


My teaching career took me from Head of MFL, Assistant Head and two headships into ITT. Twelve years in Senior Leadership Team positions, of which nine were spent in headships successfully improving two schools in very challenging circumstances, being a governor in a range of educational settings and a member of the LA’s Safeguarding Board, afforded me an almost 360 degree view of education.

Professional highlights included the International School Silver Award for three consecutive years (as a result of world wide projects in Germany, France, Spain and Uganda), winning the National Business Award and receiving an invitation from the Royal Household in recognition of the work undertaken to bring about school improvements, widen pupils’ horizons, boost their confidence and give them a sense of self-belief. Leading one of 30 space schools in the UK and being the first secondary school worldwide to undertake research with Yale University (intelligence measures in children aged 11-14) were particular highlights in my school career.

Since 2014, I have applied my skills, knowledge and experience in ITT working for a range of providers, gaining valuable insight into different routes and programmes leading to QTS. As a result, my understanding of how processes need to be embedded to achieve good or better outcomes was further developed. Therefore, recognising the interdependence between learning theories, research positions and teaching practice, alongside personalisation of the ITT programme, are all defining factors of the quality of provision.
Throughout my career, I have had mentoring opportunities and delivered associated training programmes: initially trainees on placement, then NQTs/RQTs, later Middle Leaders and aspiring headteachers. As CPD is inextricably linked to improving the quality of Teaching and Learning, this has been of significant professional interest to me.

During all that time, I have not left the classroom. To this day, I continue to teach GCSE students and remain rooted in what first attracted me to MFL teaching - a love for languages and opportunities to widen horizons!

On a personal level, I love reading, hiking in the Swiss Alps - and most of all - chocolate!

Departmental roles

  • Curriculum Area Lead for MFL (PGCE)

Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44(0)1904 323474