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Before joining the Department of Education at York on a Bowland Fellowship I was a research associate with the Out Of Our Minds team at the University of Birmingham. As part of that role, I worked on a variety of projects and collaborated with psychologists and computer scientists to design studies that combined corpus data and usage-based approaches to language and second/foreign language acquisition with computational simulations of learning based on learning theory.
I received my PhD from the Université de Lille (France) where I worked on argument structure constructions in the framework of construction grammar(s) with Prof. Maarten Lemmens.
I was first introduced to cognitive linguistics and usage-based approaches to language while doing my master in Toulouse and continued in this branch of research for my PhD. I started working in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition as a researcher with the Out Of Our Minds team and I am now combining these approaches and methods in my own research project as a Bowland Fellow.
While working as a research associate at the University of Birmingham, I also taught an undergraduate course in Corpus Linguistics.
While studying for my PhD I taught a variety of undergraduate modules at the Université de Lille (introduction to linguistics, semantics and morphology, advanced grammar).
I also have experience teaching English as a foreign language at university level (Université de Lille, Université de Lyon Lumière).