Accessibility statement

Dr Gill Francis


I am a developmental cognitive psychologist with interest in researching play and development in neurodiverse and typically developing children. Currently, I am the recipient of a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship (2021-24 cohort) and work as a Research Fellow in the department. I initially joined the department as a White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow (WRDTP - 2020-21 cohort). Prior to this, I worked as a Research Associate at the EdTech Hub at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. My career in education began as a primary school teacher where I worked for ten years before undertaking graduate studies.

I completed a PhD in Education with the research centre for Play Education Development and Learning (PEDAL) and an MPhil in Education and Psychology at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. I also hold a BEd in “Educational Testing Measurement and Evaluation” from the University of West Indies. More broadly, I am passionate about research that supports the development and learning of marginalised children. Specifically, I apply quantitative research methods like latent variable modelling, twin modelling, meta-analyses, etc. to study child development in diverse samples.

Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD


Linkedin - Gill Althia Francis