Accessibility statement

Dr Elpis Pavlidou


I am an educational neuroscientist in the making who studied Psychology in Greece, went to Scotland to continue studying, decided to move to the USA to chase my academic ‘American Dream’ and I am now based in England. In 2010, I received my PhD, funded by the Greek State Scholarships, from The University of Edinburgh where I continued to work for 2 years as a research assistant in Moray House School of Education. In 2012, the European Commission funded my post-doc research work for 3 years via the Marie Sklodowska-Curie International Outgoing Fellowships scheme, part of which I spent at Haskins Laboratories, Yale University.

Departmental roles

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology in Education, the UG Pastoral Lead and Deputy chair of the in-house Ethics Committee. I am affiliated with Haskins Laboratories (Yale University) and the Rudolf Berlin Centre (Amsterdam).

Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324395