Accessibility statement

Dr Cylcia Bolibaugh


I joined the department in September 2014, taking up a post as Teaching Fellow in Education, after completing my PhD in Second Language Acquisition (University of Surrey). Prior to this, I spent 6 years teaching on the MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT (on site and on partial distance programmes in Maastricht and Berlin), and on the BA in English, at St Mary's University, London.

Although I have always been interested in the nature of language and language use, I pursued a first degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, graduating cum laude in 1998. Following several years working on international food security and sustainability issues in various think tanks (Institute for Food and Development Policy, Redefining Progress), I moved to teaching EFL/ESP in Europe and Eurasia, and more recently, EAP in the UK. In addition to a PhD, I hold a BA, RSA Celta, MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT (distinction).

I currently teach on the following modules:

  • Intercultural Communication in Education
  • Topics in Second Language Acquisition
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis
  • TESOL Methods
  • Planning and Communicating Research

Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323999