Accessibility statement

Dr Amanda Naylor


My main research interests are the teaching of literature and poetry, teacher training, student experiences of Sixth Form study and digital pedagogy. I took my BA at Manchester University, my PGCE at London University and my MA in Renaissance Literature at the University of York. I have a doctorate from the University of York on the teaching and reception of early modern poetry, entitled, 'Rich and Strange; The Perceptions of examiners, teachers and students of the teaching and learning of Early Modern poetry in the Subject of English'.

I have experience of teaching and management in Secondary, Further and Higher Education settings. I have been an Advanced Skills Teacher in English, providing subject leadership for school based teacher training programmes and a senior manager in schools. I have also been a Head of English in two comprehensive schools as well as a lecturer in FE and as subject lead for the University of Hull PGCE English programme.

I am currently a Senior Lecturer in English in Education at the University of York. I am involved in research on the affordances of using iPads in English pedagogy and on the experience of Sixth Form students in their transitions to university. I have recently published a book on the teaching of poetry; 'Teaching Poetry; Reading and Responding to Poetry in the Secondary Classroom'.

Contact details

Department of Education
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323457