Posted on 27 April 2018
In May 2018 Prof. Ian Davies will visit The Education University Hong Kong to present two research seminars:
Youth Activism and Citizenship Education 17/05/2018 12:00-13:30 Room:B3-LP-06
In this seminar Ian will make an argument for the development of a democratic civil society that is a learning society. He will refer briefly to the broad context in which political institutions, the media, corporations, community-based organisations, NGOs, charities and others all have an educational role. This general position allows for "organisationally enabled collective action" (Bennet and Segerberg, 2013) which is neither statist nor libertarian. Ian will argue for a constructivist form of education in which the personal and public are recognised. In focussing on the detail of educational processes Ian will comment on levels, styles and engines of engagement and discuss data from two recently completed research projects that focussed (separately) on social media and youth councils.
Learning and Teaching in Citizenship Education 18/05/2018 12:00- 13:30 Room:B3-LP-06
In this seminar Ian will discuss recent trends in the teaching and learning of citizenship education. Ian will suggest that there are challenges for teachers in identifying what sort of activities can be developed in the context of politicians changing priorities. Ian will use a variety of illustrations of what may be done within or beyond classrooms (e.g. the use of textbooks, teaching citizenship through a range of school subjects; teaching about voting; learning about the law and justice system and learning through community involvement.)