Research interests
Macroeconomic and monetary theory, including open-economy issues. More specifically: dynamic general equilibrium models with imperfect competition and nominal rigidities, including staggered prices or wages; overlapping-generations models; macroeconomic policy questions.
Selected publications
Full details of publications can be found at RePEc
"Fiscal Deficits as a Source of Boom and Bust under a Common Currency" (with Giovanni Ganelli), Journal of International Money and Finance (2020), 104 (2020), 102149
"Maximum Sustainable Government Debt in the Perpetual Youth Model", Bulletin of Economic Research 66(3) (2014), 217-230
"The Effectiveness of Government Debt for Demand Management: Sensitivity to Monetary Policy Rules" (with Guido Ascari), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37(8) (2013), 1544-1566
"A Further Contribution towards Explaining Why Disinflation through Currency Pegging May Cause a Boom" (with John Fender), Journal of International Money and Finance 30(3) (2011), 516-536.
"Output Persistence from Monetary Shocks with Staggered Prices or Wages under a Taylor Rule" (with Sebastiano Daros), Economics Letters 105(2) (2009), 148-151.
“Perpetual Youth and Endogenous Labour Supply: A Problem and a Possible Solution” (with Guido Ascari), Journal of Macroeconomics 29(4) (2007), 708-723.
“Optimal Monetary Policy When Lump-Sum Taxes Are Unavailable: A Reconsideration of the Outcomes Under Commitment and Discretion” (with Martin Ellison), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(1) (2007), 219-243.
“A Small Open Economy with Staggered Wage Setting and Intertemporal Optimisation: The Basic Analytics” (with John Fender), The Manchester School, 71(4) (2003), 396-416.
“Maximum Sustainable Government Debt in the Overlapping Generations Model” (with Barbara Roffia), The Manchester School, 71(3) (2003), 217-241.
“Staggered Wages and Output Dynamics Under Disinflation” (with Guido Ascari), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26(4) (2002), 653-680.