MA (Edinburgh)
I am interested in tax policy, CGE modelling and applied econometrics, and happy to advise in these areas.
“The Selective Employment Tax and the Labour Market”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1966 (with K Hartley).
“A Regional Payroll Tax”, Oxford Economic Papers, 1968 (with K. Hartley).
Economies of Scale in Local Government Services, Royal Commission on Local Government in England, 1968 (with S.P.Gupta).
A Model of UK Manufactured Exports and Export Prices, HMSO, 1975 (with P. Minford).
“A Model of Short Term Capital Movements…”, Review of Economic Studies, 1977
“Income Tax Progressivity and Revenue Growth”, Economics Letters, 1979
“Evaluating Income Tax Revenue Elasticities”, Economic Journal, 1980 (with P. Lambert).
“Income Tax Elasticity and the Distribution of Income, with an application to Peninsular Malaysia”, South East Asian Economic Review, 1980.
“The Elasticity of the US Individual Income Tax….”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 1982 (with P Lambert and A Fries).
“Modelling the Effects of Income Growth and Discretionary Change on the Sensitivity of UK Income Tax Revenue”, Economic Journal, 1982 (with P Lambert).
“Inequality and Revenue Elasticity in Tax Reform”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 1983 (with P. Lambert)
“Discriminating between errors-in-variables/simultaneity and misspecification in linear regression models”, Economics Letters, 1994 (with L. Godfrey)
“Optimal acid rain abatement policy for Europe: an analysis for the year 2000”, Energy Economics, 1995 (with G. Halkos)
“The Influence of Firms’ Financial Policy on Tax Reform”, Oxford Economic Papers, 1998 (with T Kenc). “Tax Reform and Employment in Europe”, International Tax and Public Finance, 1999 (with A. Ruocco).
“Carbon Taxation and Various Pollutants in Europe: Combining General Equilibrium and Integrated Systems Approaches”, in Policy Evaluation with Computable General Equilibrium Models, Fossati and Wiegard (eds), Routledge, 2001 (with T. Edwards).
“The allocation of carbon permits within one country: a general equilibrium analysis of the UK”, Energy Economics, 2001 (with T. Edwards).
“Can Tax Progression Raise Employment?” in Policy Evaluation with Computable General Equilibrium Models, Fossati and Wiegard (eds), Routledge, 2001 (with A. Ruocco).
“Benefit Levels, Tax Progression and Employment”, FinanzArchiv, 2001 (with A. Ruocco)
Professor John P. Hutton
Emeritus Professor of Economics