BA in Economics (Cambridge)
M.Phil. in Econ Theory and Econometrics (Cambridge)
MPA/ID (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard)
MScBA in Finance (Haas Business School, UC Berkeley)
MA in Mathematics (UC Berkeley)
PhD in Economics (UC Berkeley)
Prior to joining York, Theo was a lecturer of the Economics Division of Stirling Management School at the University of Stirling, where he had for many years the role of director of the MSc Digital Banking & Finance and MSc Finance & Economics as well as convenor of the MSc dissertations at the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics. Theo has also been a lecturer at the School of Economics and Finance at the University of St Andrews and an assistant professor at Collegio Carlo Alberto. He is regularly a visiting professor at the Dept. of Economics at the University of Bergamo.
Research interests:
- Economic theory
- Financial Economics
Departmental roles
- MSc Finance Programme Director
- Departmental internal seminar series co-organiser
Theo works on key theoretical issues in economics and finance with important implications for applications. His research interests lie in the "green zones" between pure and applied economic theory and between economic theory and finance. The depth and breadth of his formal training combine scholarly expertise on rigorous analysis with scope in intellectual curiosity and versatility. As a result, Theo can converse with pure theorists to formally explain economic intuition while at the same time use rigorous analysis to reason formally in applied problems in economics and finance. This has enabled collaborations with colleagues from different fields – from the very theoretical to the very applied. It also has enabled a wide-ranging teaching portfolio and extensive experience in designing and running taught programmes in economics and finance.
“Recentralisation reform in Vietnam: an analysis of its effects on economic activity and corruption” British Council International Science Partnerships Fund/International Science Collaborations, August 24 - August 26, £99K (PI; co-PI: Dr. Hiep Ngoc Luu; co-Is: Prof. Dimitris Chronopoulos and Dr. Sapnoti Eswar).
Full publications list
"Preference Conditions for Invertible Demand Functions," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2022,14(2):118-38, joint with Georgios Gerasimou
"Dynamically complete markets under Brownian motion," Mathematics and Financial Economics, April 2021, 15:719-745
"(Neutrally) Optimal Mechanism under Adverse Selection: the canonical insurance problem," Games and Economic Behavior, September 2018, 111:159-186, joint with Kostas Koufopoulos
"Rationalizable Suicides: Evidence from Changes in Inmates' Expected Length of Sentence," Journal of the European Economic Association, April 2017, 15:388-428, joint with Nadia Campaniello and Giovanni Mastrobuoni