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Professor Cheti Nicoletti
Deputy Head of Department, Research


Cheti Nicoletti (BSc Padova, MA Louvain-la-Neuve, PhD Florence) is Professor of Economics and Deputy Head of the Department of Economics for Research at the University of YorkPreviously she worked for ten years at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex, where she continues to be a Research Associate. She is also an IZA (Institute for Study of Labor) Research Fellow and a research associate of CHILD-Collegio Carlo Alberto (Torino).  

The output from her work has been published in leading peer-reviewed international journals, including the Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and Journal of Applied Econometrics. Her research has been partly supported by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Nuffield Foundation.

Departmental roles

  • Deputy Head of the Department of Economics for Research
  • Co-Leader of the Applied Micro-Econometrics Cluster within the Department (AME) 
  • Performance Reviewer
  • Departmental Research Committee Chair 
  • Member of Department Management Team

Cheti Nicoletti

Cheti Nicoletti
Deputy Head of Department, Research
Department of Economics
Room: A/EC/123
Tel: 01904 323769

Personal Website

Office and feedback hours for York Students only during term time:

Tuesdays 9:30-11:30

Some weeks are different.  Best to book ahead using google calendar

Other times may be available by email appointment.