Andrew Pickering is a Professor in Economics at the University of York where he has worked since 2011. He was previously a lecturer at the University of Bristol, following his PhD (2002) at the University of Exeter. He is currently Managing Editor of the Bulletin of Economic Research.
Departmental roles
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)
My current research activity lies in the broad field of quantitative political economics, I also have dormant interests in natural resource economics and macroeconomics.
I am interested in hearing from PhD applicants. I have successfully supervised 14 PhDs to completion, with all subsequently placed in PhD-level positions at international external institutions including the International Monetary Fund, the Central Banks of Guatemala, Korea, and Thailand, and the Nigerian Economic Summit Group, as well as academic positions at the London School of Economics, the University of Edinburgh, the Centre for Health Economics at York, and Universities in China, Indonesia and Pakistan. I have also examined 12 PhDs, including two as external examiner.
Selected publications
Link to RePEc page.
Please see my personal webpage for recent discussion papers
Sovereign debt: election concerns and the democratic disadvantage. (With Amrita Dhillon and Tomas Sjöström.) Oxford Economic Papers vol. 71, issue 2 (2019), pp. 320-343.
Inequality and the composition of taxes. (With Sheraz Rajput.) International Tax and Public Finance vol. 25, no. 4 (2018), pp. 1001-1028.
The economic consequences of political donation limits. (With John Maloney.) Economica vol. 85, issue 339 (2018), pp. 479-517.
Labour costs and the size of government. (With François Facchini and Mickael Melki.) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics vol. 79, no. 2 (2017), pp. 251-275.
Voting and the economic cycle. (With John Maloney.) Public Choice vol. 162, no. 1-2 (2015), pp. 119-133.
Ideological polarization and the media. (With Mickael Melki.) Economics Letters vol. 125, no. 1, (2014), pp. 36-39.
Party activists, campaign funding and the quality of government. (With John Maloney.) Journal of Law, Economics and Organization vol. 29, no. 1 (2013), pp. 210-238.
Ideology and the size of US state government. (With James Rockey.) Public Choice vol. 156, no. 3-4 (2013), pp. 443-465.
Openness, imported commodities and the sacrifice ratio. (With Héctor Valle.) Berkeley Electronic Journal of Macroeconomics (Topics) vol. 12, issue 1 (2012).
Ideology and the growth of government. (With James Rockey.) Review of Economics and Statistics vol. 93 (2011), pp. 907-919.
The oil reserves production relationship. Energy Economics, vol. 30 (2008), pp. 352-370.
Political business cycles and central bank independence. (With John Maloney and Kaddour Hadri.) Economic Journal, vol. 113, no. 486 (2003), C167-C181.
Behind the cube rule: Implications of, and evidence against a fractal electoral geography. (With John Maloney and Bernard Pearson.) Environment and Planning A, vol. 35, no. 8 (2003), pp. 1405-1414.
The discovery decline phenomenon: Microeconometric evidence from the UK continental shelf. Energy Journal, vol. 23, no.1 (2002), pp. 57-71.