“Perfect Withdrawal in a Noisy World: Investing Lessons with and without Annuities while in Drawdown between 2000 and 2019”, Journal of Retirement, 2021, 9, 1, (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas), see also “Practical Applications of Perfect Withdrawal in a Noisy World: Investing Lessons with and without Annuities while in Drawdown between 2000 and 2019”, Practical Applications, 2021, 9.
“Can Sustainable Withdrawal Rates be Enhanced by Trend Following?”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2021, 26, pp 27-41, (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas).
“Measuring Sequence of Returns Risk”, Journal of Retirement, 2020, 8, 1, pp 65-79, (with A. Clare, S. Glover, J. Seaton and S. Thomas), see also “Practical Applications of Measuring Sequence of Returns Risk”, Practical Applications, 2020, 8, 2.
“When growth beats value: applying momentum filters to growth and value portfolios”, Journal of Investing, 2019, 28, 5, pp 69-84, (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas), see also “Practical Applications of When Growth Beats Value: Applying Momentum Filters to Growth and Value Portfolios”, Practical Applications, 2020, 8,2.
"Reducing sequence risk using trend following investment strategies and the CAPE", Financial Analysts Journal, 2017, 73, 4, pp 91-103, (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas).
“Size matters: tail risk, momentum and trend following in international equity portfolios”, Journal of Investing, 2017, 26, 3, pp 53-64 , (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas).
“The trend is our friend: global asset allocation using trend following", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2016, 9, pp 63-80, (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas).
“Can stochastic discount factor models explain the cross section of equity returns?”, Review of Financial Economics, 2016, 28, pp 56-68, (with P. Abhakorn and M.R. Wickens).
“Peer salaries and employee satisfaction in the workplace”, Manchester School, 2015, 83, pp 307-311. (with K.A. Mumford).
"Trend following, risk parity and momentum in commodity futures", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2014, 31, pp 1-12 (with A. Clare, J. Seaton and S. Thomas).
“What do Fama-French factors add to C-CAPM?”, Journal of Empirical Finance, 2013, 22, pp 113-127. (with P. Abhakorn and M.R. Wickens).