'Mothers Working During Preschool Years and Child Skills: Does Income Compensate?' 2022 (with Cheti Nicoletti and Kjell Salvanes), Journal of Labour Economics.
'Parental Inputs and Socio-Economic Gaps in Early Child Development' (with Lindsey Macmillan), 2022, Journal of Population Economics.
‘Intergenerational Mobility and the Timing of Parental Income’, 2021 (with Pedro Carneiro, Italo Lopez Garcia and Kjell Salvanes). Journal of Political Economy.
‘The Family Peer Effect on Mothers’ Labour Supply’, 2018 (with Cheti Nicoletti and Kjell Salvanes). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
'Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency', 2017 (with Simon Burgess, Marisa Ratto and Carol Propper). The Economic Journal.
'Female Labour Supply and Household Employment Shocks: Maternity Leave as an Insurance Mechanism', 2016. European Economic Review
'Smarter Task Assignment or Greater Effort: the impact of incentives on team performance', 2010 (with Simon Burgess, Carol Propper, Marisa Ratto, Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder). The Economic Journal.
'The Male Wage Scar from Youth Unemployment', 2005 (with Paul Gregg). Labour Economics.