Making a Difference Locally is a charity that has been established to help independent retailers support their local communities. The charity helps Nisa stores raise money that can then be donated to local charities and good causes. This is done through the sale of selected products in store, including all Co-op own brand items and those from Nisa’s own-label Heritage range.

To date, the team at Nisa Market Square and Nisa Kimberlow have managed to raise and donate just over £11,900 to local charities in York. The funds were raised through the Making A Difference Locally Nisa scheme, also known as MADL.  The team donated to local charities and community projects around York, below are just some of the teams we were able to help! 

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St Joseph's Primary School

"We are really grateful for this kind donation. We are embarking upon a project to create a mini library in school, which will have an incredible impact on the children's learning! Thank you for helping to kickstart our fundraising!" - Mrs E Ronicle, Headteacher

Stockton Playgroup

"We are so grateful for this wonderful donation. The money will be spent directly on the children to enhance their experience at Playgroup. We would really like to spend some of the money enhancing the reading/book area with new seating making it a cosy space to enjoy the experience of reading." - Heidi Lever, Playgroup Manager

HOPING York Street Kitchen

"We at HOPING York Street Kitchen are very grateful to Nisa for this generous donation. We are a charity who for the last 7 years has provided fresh home cooked meals to the homeless and in need, including essential items for rough sleepers, which is where we will use this money. Thank you." - Helen Meadows, Chair of Trustees, Hoping York Street Kitchen

Heslington Sports Field

Heslington sports field was gifted to the community by the Deramore family and the sports field is run as a charity by a committee of volunteers. The finances are always a challenge to keep balanced and this kind donation from Nisa will be put to good use maintaining the play equipment that is a real asset to the village community. - Tom Pearcy,  Chairman of the Sports Field Committee

York Women's Counselling

The generous donation will boost York Women’s Counselling’s Spring Fund. Many of the women who reach out to us for support have complex situations and are dealing with the effects of trauma in their lives. Your kindness means YWCS can continue to provide help through heavily subsidised or free support to women, ensuring that financial circumstances are not a barrier. - Emma Drake, Counselling Manager and Volunteer Counsellor

Wilberforce Trust

This grant will allow us to make a significant impact on local people with sight and hearing loss who have no regular visitors and risk becoming socially isolated. For example, we visit a lady who is 90 years old and had not previously left her house socially since pre covid. With support from WT befriending service she has recently been enjoying her garden again - Anne Parkinson, Bids Manager 

West Thorpe Methodist Scout Group

The Nisa money has been a great help to us. We are now at the stage of finalising our purchasing a community defibrillator, which is huge thanks to you - we couldn't have done it without their donation. This purchase will become a huge community asset for us and the whole of the Woodthorpe & Dringhouses area.- Tom Ibbott, Group Scout Leader

Jessie’s Fund

"The money will be spent on buying new instruments for The Dales School, Northallerton, who recently enjoyed a five day creative music project. We are going back in September and the school really need some more instruments so that all pupils can access music to help them communicate throughout the school day." - Rebecca Ellis, Executive Director 

Snappy Trust

"We have been able to buy some lovely sensory soft play, lights and some outdoor play equipment with the funds. This will be invaluable as we are now coming in to our summer scheme, where we have the Children in for the school holidays. Thank you all so much for the fundraising!" - Anne Stamp, Service Manager

Copmanthorpe Childcare Centre

"We would like to thank you for your kind donation. It has been greatly received and all the children in our setting love our new play kitchen. It has been an amazing new resource that will be loved for many years to come. Thank you all so much again for thinking of us."- Sarah McPherson, Manager 

Brunswick Organic Nursery

"Many people with learning disabilities are eager to work & engage with their local community, but find there are few opportunities for them to do so. Brunswick addresses this need by offering a productive work place with satisfying work, training opportunities & a constructive social environment. This donation will be a big help in updating our vehicles!" Helen Kenwright​, Fundraiser 

York Carers

“The donation will be put towards group activities for young carers (aged 5 - 18), allowing them to learn new skills, socialise and have fun, and take a well-earned break from caring responsibilities. This donation will support approx. 120 young carers and it is hugely appreciated.” - Hayley Johnson, Communications Officer 

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