Catered accommodation
If you live in catered accommodation, you get breakfast and dinner included in the price every weekday during semester.
Catered accommodation does not run during vacation periods.
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Why choose catered accommodation?
No stress
You won't have to worry about what to cook or what to budget for food.
Eat well
Choose from a variety of options, cooked by our award-winning professionals.
It's a great way to meet other students from your college and catch up with flatmates.
How does catered accommodation work?
Turn up to your college's dining hall at mealtimes and present your University ID (your student card) at the checkout. If you don't have your card you should be able to use the digital library card barcode in the MyUoY App as an alternative (please update to the latest version of MyUoY to do so).
- Breakfast is served from 8am to 10.30am
- Dinner is served from 5pm to 7.15pm
If you want to take food away, you'll need to bring your own container with you.
Where is my dining hall?
- Derwent students: Derwent Dining
- James students: Roger Kirk Centre Galleria Restaurant
- Vanbrugh students: Vanbrugh Dining
- Vanbrugh students living in Fairfax House: Continental breakfast only at Fairfax House and dinner at Vanbrugh Dining
If you have an allergy or dietary requirement please contact us to discuss before selecting catered accommodation as your preferred choice.
Breakfast options
Breakfast includes fruit juice, tea, coffee, two slices of toast/bread with butter and preserve and five items from our menu.
Dinner options
Dinner includes soup and a main course or a main course and dessert. See an example menu for the week: