• Date and time: Saturday 6 July 2013, 9.30am to 20:00
  • Location: Department of Theatre, Film and Television, University of York, Heslington East
  • Admission: There is no charge for registration; lunch and wine reception included

Event details

Centre for Digital Heritage inaugural conference

PAGE ARCHIVED. The CDH 2013 programme (PDF , 272kb) is available for download.



The Conference Organising Committee:

  • Paul Bryan, English Heritage
  • Helen Goodchild, Dept of Archaeology
  • Ollie Jones, Dept of Theatre, Film and Television
  • Gavin Kearney, Dept of Theatre, Film and Television
  • Mariana Lopez, Dept of Theatre, Film and Television
  • Philip Morris, Humanities Research Centre
  • Damian Murphy, Dept of Electronics
  • Julian Richards, Dept of Archaeology, Chair
  • Holly Wright, Dept of Archaeology


Twitter: @CDHYork  #CDH2013

Speakers include Graeme Earl (sotonDH, University of Southampton), Douglas Pritchard (Director of Operations, Cyark Europe), and Professor Andrew Prescott (King's College, London and theme leader for the AHRC Digital Transformations programme).

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Centre for Digital Heritage
