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  {\Large\textbf{Critical Values for $T$ in the}}
  {\Large\textbf{Wilcoxon Signed Mixed-Pairs Signed-Rank Test}}


The values below are the approximate critical values of T for two-tailed
tests at level P. For a signicant result, the calculated T must be less 
than or equal to the tabulated value.


(Values of P are halved for one-tailed tests using $R_-$ and $R_+$.)


    $n$ &  $P=0.10$ & $P=0.05$ \\ \hline
    5 & 2 & - \\
    6 & 2 & 0 \\
    7 & 3 & 2 \\
    8 & 5 & 3 \\
    9 & 8 & 5 \\
    10 & 10 & 8 \\
    11 & 14 & 10 \\
    12 & 17 & 13 \\
    13 & 21 & 17 \\
    14 & 26 & 21 \\
    15 & 30 & 25 \\
    16 & 36 & 29 \\
    17 & 41 & 34 \\
    18 & 47 & 40 \\
    19 & 53 & 46 \\
    20 & 60 & 52 \\
    21 & 67 & 58 \\
    22 & 75 & 65 \\
    23 & 83 & 73 \\
    24 & 91 & 81 \\
    25 & 100 & 89



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Last Updated: May 2004