LaTeX source for 2004 Multivariate Analysis paper\documentclass{article} \newcommand{\hi}{\par\noindent\hangindent=1em} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Large\textbf{BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SYMMETRY}} \end{center} A personal guide to some holdings (chiefly) in the J.B. Morrell Library \begin{flushleft} {\textbf{General}} \end{flushleft} \hi Cadwell, J H, \textit{Topics in Recreational Mathematics}, Cambridge University Press 1966 [S CAD]. \hi Gr\"unbaum, B, and Shephard, GC, \textit{Tilings and Patterns}, Freeman 1986 [S 2.84 GRU]. \hi Loeb, A L, \textit{Color and Symmetry}, Wiley 1971 [UZ 8.1 LOE]. \hi Rosen, J, \textit{Symmetry Discovered}, Cambridge University Press 1975 [S 2.84 ROS]. \hi Shubnikov, A V, and Koptsik, V.A., \textit{Symmetry in Science and Art}, Plenum 1974 [UZ 8.1 SHU]. \hi Shubnikov, A V, and others, \textit{Coloured Symmetry}, Pergamon 1964 [UZ 8.1 SHU]. \hi Stevens, P S, \textit{Patterns in Nature}, Little, Brown 1974 [S 9.9 STE]. \hi Stevens, P S, \textit{Handbook of Regular Patterns: An Introduction to Symmetry in Two Dimensions}, M.I.T. Press 1981. \hi Stewart, I, \textit{Concepts in Modern Mathematics}, Penguin 1975 [S STE]. \hi Weyl, H, \textit{Symmetry}, Princeton 1952 [A 11.85 WEY]. \begin{flushleft} {\textbf{Geometry}} \end{flushleft} \hi Budden, F J, \textit{The Fascination of Groups}, Cambridge University Press 1972 [S 2.86 BUD]. \hi Coxeter, H S M, \textit{Introduction to Geometry} (2nd edn), Wiley 1969 [S 3 COX]. \hi Coxeter, H S M, \textit{Regular Polytopes}, Cambridge University Press 1974 [S 3.8 COX]. \hi Coxeter, H S M, and Moser, W O J \textit{Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups}, Springer-Verlag 1957 [S 2.86 COX]. \hi Jarratt, J D, and Schwartzenberger, R L E, Coloured plane groups, \textit{Acta Crystallographica Section} \textbf{A} \textbf{36} (1980), 884--888 [U PERIOD]. \hi Jawson, M A, and Rose, M A, \textit{Crystal Symmetry and the Theory of Colour Crystallography}, Ellis Horwood 1983 [UZ 8.1 JAS]. \hi Macdonald, S O, and Street, A P, The seven frieze groups and how to colour them, \textit{Utilitas Math.} \textit{13} (1978), 271--292. \hi Magnus, W, \textit{Non-Euclidean Tesselations and their Groups}, Academic Press 1974 [S 6.5 MAG]. \hi Miller, W, \textit{Symmetry Groups and their Applications}, Academic Press 1972 [S 2.84 MIL]. \hi Schwarzenberger, R L E, \textit{$N$-dimensional Crystallography}, Pitman 1980 [UZ 7 SCH]. \hi Seneschal, M, and Fleck, G (ed.), \textit{Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach}, Birkh„user 1988 [S 3.3 SHA]. \hi Wieting, T W, \textit{The Mathematics of Chromatic Plane Ornaments}, Marcel Dekker 1982 [MR 84h:51043]. \hi Wenninger, M J, \textit{Polyhedron Models}, Cambridge University Press 1971 [S 3.3 WEN]. \hi Willmore, T J, \textit{Symmetry: An Innaugural Lecture}, Durham University Press 1972 [PAMPH S 2.84 WIL]. \hi Yale, P B, \textit{Geometry and Symmetry}, Holden-Day 1958 [S 6.57 YAL]. \begin{flushleft} {\textbf{Art}} \end{flushleft} \hi Bourgoin, J, \textit{Arab Geometrical Pattern and Design}, Dover 1973 [L 9.53 BOU]. \hi Calvert, A F, \textit{The Alhambra: Being a brief record of the Arabian conquest of the Peninsula with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decoration}, John Lane, The Bodley Head 1906 [LB 0.94602 CAL]. \hi Dye, D S, \textit{Chinese Lattice Designs}, Harvard University Press 1937 and Dover 1974 [LF 5.944951 DYE]. \hi Escher, M C, \textit{The Graphic Work of M C Escher}, Oldbourne 1967 [QUARTO LH 1.9492 ESC]. \hi Jones, O, \textit{The Grammar of Ornament} (Reproduction of same title, first published by Day and Son, London, in 1856, reprinted in 1910, 1928 and 1982 by Van Nostrand, and by Omega Books in 1986) [QUARTO L 4.945 JON]. \hi Linn, C F, \textit{The Golden Mean: Mathematics and the Fine Arts}, Doubleday 1974 [L 1.1 LIN]. \hi Locher, J L (ed.), \textit{The World of M C Escher}, Abrams 1971 [QUARTO LH 1.9492 ESC]. \hi MacGillavry, C H, \textit{Symmetry Aspects of M C Escher's Periodic Drawings}, International Union of Crystallographers 1965 [QUARTO UZ 1 McG]. \hi Pedoe, D, \textit{Geometry and the Liberal Arts}, Penguin 1976 [S 0.9 PED]. \hi Ranucci, E R, \textit{Creating Escher-Type Drawings}, Creative Publications, Palo Alto 1977 [QUARTO S 2.84 RAN]. \begin{flushleft} {\textbf{Physics}} \end{flushleft} \hi Boardman, A D, O'Connor, D E, and Young, P A, \textit{Symmetry and its Applications in Science}, McGraw-Hill 1973 [S 2.84 BOA]. \hi Gardner, M, \textit{The Ambidextrous Universe}, Allen Lane 1967 [S 2.84 GAR]. \hi Leech, J W, and Newman, D J, \textit{How to Use Groups}, Methuen 1969 [U 0.15 LEE]. \hi McWeeny, R, \textit{Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and its Applications}, Pergamon 1963 [U 0.15 McW]. \hi Wigner, C H, \textit{Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays}, M.I.T. Press 1975 [U 0.04 WIG]. \hi Wybourne, B G, \textit{Symmetry Principles and Atomic Spectroscopy}, Wiley 1970 [S 2.84 WYB]. \hi Chemistry \hi Bernal, I, Hamilton, W C, and Ricci, J S, \textit{Symmetry: A Stereoscopic Guide for Chemists}, Freeman 1972 [V 2.2 BER]. \hi Donaldson, J D, and Ross, S D, \textit{Symmetry and Stereochemistry}, Intertext 1972 [V 2.6 DON]. \hi Koster, G F, Dimmock, J O, and Wheeler, R G, \textit{Properties of the 32 Point Groups}, M.I.T. Press 1973 [UZ 8.1 KOS]. \hi Wells, A F, \textit{The Third Dimension in Chemistry}, Oxford University Press 1956 [UZ 8.1 WEL]. \hi Worrall, I J, \textit{Molecular Symmetry}, Royal Institute of Chemistry 1967 [PAMPH V 2.22 WOR]. \begin{flushleft} {\textbf{Biology}} \end{flushleft} \hi Thompson, D'A W, \textit{On Growth and Form} (2nd edn; 2 vols), Cambridge University Press 1942 [XJ 1 THO]. \begin{flushright} P.M.L. \end{flushright} \end{document} %