York Bibliographical Society : Form
York Bibliographical Society
- Name:
The name of the Society shall be the York Bibliographical Society
- Objects:
To provide a forum where those who have an interest in books and
bibliographically related studies may meet for instruction, conversation,
and for the enjoyment of books;
To provide a platform for the dissemination of learning and scholarship.
- Subscriptions:
All Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of November;
The rate of Subscription shall be as set out in
Appendix ‘A’.
- Administration:
The Society shall be administered by an Executive Committee comprising:
- Officers
- Honorary Secretary or Honarary Secretaries
- Honorary Treasurer
- six Ordinary Members;
A Chairman shall be appointed annually from within the Committee,
Four members shall make a quorum;
The Committee shall have authority to co-opt up to three additional members,
and to fill casual vacancies.
- Election of Committee:
The Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election.
The Ordinary Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General
Meeting and shall be eligible to serve for a maximum of three consecutive
terms of office only;
Nominations, in writing, with proposer and seconder, for vacancies on the
Committee shall be received by the Honorary Secretary not later than seven
days preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting shall be held one hour before the commencement of
one of the Autumn lectures as decided by the Committee;
Fourteen days notice shall be given to each subscribing member of the
The rate of annual subscription to the Society shall be fixed and/or amended
by the Annual General Meeting.
- Extra-ordinary General Meeting;
An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Chairman and
Honorary Secretary, or by the written request of any twelve subscribing
members of the Society.
- Accounts:
The Accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by an auditor
appointed by the Annual General Meeting;
All Accounts against the Society shall be paid on the authority of at least
two Officers
- Banking:
All Banking services in connection with the Society shall be carried out by:
HSBC plc., PO Box 13, Parliament Street, York YO1 8XS.
- Amendment to Constitution:
Amendment to the Constitution shall be made only by the Annual General
Meeting and then with the assent of a two-thirds majority of subscribing
members present.
The rates of subscription for the session 2013/14 and thereafter until
further notice shall be:
- Ordinary members: £17.00 per annum, save that any two members at the
same address may pay a joint subscription of £25.00 per annum.
- Student members: £5.00 per annum.
This page was prepared by Peter M Lee, e-mail
Revised 27 November 2013