York Bibliographical Society : Form

York Bibliographical Society


  1. Name: The name of the Society shall be the York Bibliographical Society

  2. Objects: To provide a forum where those who have an interest in books and bibliographically related studies may meet for instruction, conversation, and for the enjoyment of books;
    To provide a platform for the dissemination of learning and scholarship.

  3. Subscriptions: All Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of November;
    The rate of Subscription shall be as set out in Appendix ‘A’.

  4. Administration: The Society shall be administered by an Executive Committee comprising:
    1. Officers
      1. Honorary Secretary or Honarary Secretaries
      2. Honorary Treasurer
    2. six Ordinary Members;
    A Chairman shall be appointed annually from within the Committee,
    Four members shall make a quorum;
    The Committee shall have authority to co-opt up to three additional members, and to fill casual vacancies.

  5. Election of Committee: The Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election.
    The Ordinary Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible to serve for a maximum of three consecutive terms of office only;
    Nominations, in writing, with proposer and seconder, for vacancies on the Committee shall be received by the Honorary Secretary not later than seven days preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting.

  6. Annual General Meeting: The Annual General Meeting shall be held one hour before the commencement of one of the Autumn lectures as decided by the Committee;
    Fourteen days notice shall be given to each subscribing member of the Society;
    The rate of annual subscription to the Society shall be fixed and/or amended by the Annual General Meeting.

  7. Extra-ordinary General Meeting; An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Chairman and Honorary Secretary, or by the written request of any twelve subscribing members of the Society.

  8. Accounts: The Accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by an auditor appointed by the Annual General Meeting;
    All Accounts against the Society shall be paid on the authority of at least two Officers

  9. Banking: All Banking services in connection with the Society shall be carried out by:
    HSBC plc., PO Box 13, Parliament Street, York YO1 8XS.

  10. Amendment to Constitution: Amendment to the Constitution shall be made only by the Annual General Meeting and then with the assent of a two-thirds majority of subscribing members present.
The rates of subscription for the session 2013/14 and thereafter until further notice shall be:
  1. Ordinary members: £17.00 per annum, save that any two members at the same address may pay a joint subscription of £25.00 per annum.
  2. Student members: £5.00 per annum.

This page was prepared by Peter M Lee, e-mail

Revised 27 November 2013