LaTeX source for r_refcard (less suitable than r_std_refcard)% NOT for everyday use at York % by Tom Short, tshort@epri-peac.com, EPRI PEAC % granted to the public domain \documentclass[10pt,landscape]{article} %\documentclass[10pt,portrait]{article} \usepackage{pslatex} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{epsfig} % Turn off header and footer \pagestyle{empty} %\setlength{\leftmargin}{0.75in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.75in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.75in} \setlength{\textwidth}{10.5in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.2in} \setlength{\textheight}{7.4in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \pdfpageheight\paperheight \pdfpagewidth\paperwidth % Redefine section commands to use less space \makeatletter \renewcommand\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{0mm}% {-24pt}% \@plus -12pt \@minus -6pt}% {0.5ex}% {\color{blue}\normalfont\large\bfseries}} \makeatother % Don't print section numbers \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \newcommand{\code}{\texttt} \newcommand{\bcode}[1]{\texttt{\textbf{#1}}} \newcommand\F{\code{FALSE}} \newcommand\T{\code{TRUE}} %\newcommand{\hangpara}[2]{\hangindent#1\hangafter#2\noindent} %\newenvironment{hangparas}[2]{\setlength{\parindent}{\z@}\everypar={\hangpara{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand{\describe}[1]{\begin{description}{#1}\end{description}} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} %\raggedright \footnotesize \begin{multicols*}{3} % multicol parameters % These lengths are set only within the two main columns %\setlength{\columnseprule}{0.25pt} \setlength{\premulticols}{1pt} \setlength{\postmulticols}{1pt} \setlength{\multicolsep}{1pt} \setlength{\columnsep}{2pt} \begin{center} \Large{\textbf{\color{blue}R Reference Card}} \\ \end{center} by Tom Short, EPRI PEAC, tshort@epri-peac.com 2004-10-21\\ Granted to the public domain. See www.Rpad.org for the source and latest version. Includes material from \emph{R for Beginners} by Emmanuel Paradis (with permission). \section{Getting help} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} Most R functions have online documentation. \bcode{help(topic)} documentation on \code{topic} \bcode{?topic} id. \bcode{help.search("topic")} search the help system \bcode{apropos("topic")} the names of all objects in the search list matching the regular expression "topic" \bcode{help.start()} start the HTML version of help \bcode{str(a)} display the internal *str*ucture of an R object \bcode{summary(a)} gives a ``summary'' of \code{a}, usually a statistical summary but it is \emph{generic} meaning it has different operations for different classes of \code{a} \bcode{ls()} show objects in the search path; specify \code{pat="pat"} to search on a pattern \bcode{ls.str()} str() for each variable in the search path \bcode{dir()} show files in the current directory \bcode{methods(a)} shows S3 methods of \code{a} \bcode{methods(class=class(a))} lists all the methods to handle objects of class a \section{Input and output} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{load()} load the datasets written with \code{save} \bcode{data(x)} loads specified data sets \bcode{library(x)} load add-on packages \bcode{read.table(file)} reads a file in table format and creates a data frame from it; the default separator \code{sep=""} is any whitespace; use \code{header=TRUE} to read the first line as a header of column names; use \code{as.is=TRUE} to prevent character vectors from being converted to factors; use \code{comment.char=""} to prevent \code{"\#"} from being interpreted as a comment; use \code{skip=n} to skip \code{n} lines before reading data; see the help for options on row naming, NA treatment, and others \bcode{read.csv("filename",header=TRUE)} id. but with defaults set for reading comma-delimited files \bcode{read.delim("filename",header=TRUE)} id. but with defaults set for reading tab-delimited files \bcode{read.fwf(file,widths,header=FALSE,sep="\t",as.is=FALSE)} read a table of \emph{f}ixed \emph{w}idth \emph{f}ormatted data into a 'data.frame'; \code{widths} is an integer vector, giving the widths of the fixed-width fields \bcode{save(file,...)} saves the specified objects (...) in the XDR platform-independent binary format \bcode{save.image(file)} saves all objects \bcode{cat(..., file="", sep=" ")} prints the arguments after coercing to character; \code{sep} is the character separator between arguments \bcode{print(a, ...)} prints its arguments; generic, meaning it can have different methods for different objects \bcode{format(x,...)} format an R object for pretty printing \bcode{write.table(x,file="",row.names=TRUE,col.names=TRUE, sep=" ")} prints \code{x} after converting to a data frame; if \code{quote} is \code{TRUE}, character or factor columns are surrounded by quotes (\code{"}); \code{sep} is the field separator; \code{eol} is the end-of-line separator; \code{na} is the string for missing values; use \code{col.names=NA} to add a blank column header to get the column headers aligned correctly for spreadsheet input \bcode{sink(file)} output to \code{file}, until \code{sink()} \everypar={\hangindent=0mm} Most of the I/O functions have a \code{file} argument. This can often be a character string naming a file or a connection. \code{file=""} means the standard input or output. Connections can include files, pipes, zipped files, and R variables. On windows, the file connection can also be used with \code{description = "clipboard"}. To read a table copied from Excel, use \\ \code{x <- read.delim("clipboard")}\\ To write a table to the clipboard for Excel, use \\ \code{write.table(x,"clipboard",sep="\textbackslash t",col.names=NA)} For database interaction, see packages \code{RODBC}, \code{DBI}, \code{RMySQL}, \code{RPgSQL}, and \code{ROracle}. See packages \code{XML}, \code{hdf5}, \code{netCDF} for reading other file formats. \section{Data creation} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{c(...)} generic function to combine arguments with the default forming a vector; with \code{recursive=TRUE} descends through lists combining all elements into one vector \bcode{from:to} generates a sequence; ``:'' has operator priority; 1:4 + 1 is ``2,3,4,5'' \bcode{seq(from,to)} generates a sequence \code{by=} specifies increment; \code{length=} specifies desired length \bcode{seq(along=x)} generates \code{1, 2, ..., length(along)}; useful for \code{for} loops \bcode{rep(x,times)} replicate \code{x} \code{times}; use \code{each=} to repeat ``each'' element of \code{x} \code{each} times; \code{rep(c(1,2,3),2)} is 1 2 3 1 2 3; \code{rep(c(1,2,3),each=2)} is 1 1 2 2 3 3 \bcode{data.frame(...)} create a data frame of the named or unnamed arguments; \code{data.frame(v=1:4,ch=c("a","B","c","d"),n=10)}; shorter vectors are recycled to the length of the longest \bcode{list(...)} create a list of the named or unnamed arguments; \code{list(a=c(1,2),b="hi",c=3i)}; \bcode{array(x,dim=)} array with data \code{x}; specify dimensions like \code{dim=c(3,4,2)}; elements of \code{x} recycle if \code{x} is not long enough \bcode{matrix(x,nrow=,ncol=)} matrix; elements of \code{x} recycle \bcode{factor(x,levels=)} encodes a vector \code{x} as a factor \bcode{gl(n,k,length=n*k,labels=1:n)} generate levels (factors) by specifying the pattern of their levels; \code{k} is the number of levels, and \code{n} is the number of replications \bcode{expand.grid()} a data frame from all combinations of the supplied vectors or factors \bcode{rbind(...)} combine arguments by rows for matrices, data frames, and others \bcode{cbind(...)} id. by columns \section{Slicing and extracting data} Indexing vectors \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l} \code{x[n]} & \code{n}$^{th}$ element\\ \code{x[-n]} & all \emph{but} the \code{n}$^{th}$ element\\ \code{x[1:n]} & first \code{n} elements\\ \code{x[-(1:n)]} & elements from \code{n+1} to the end\\ \code{x[c(1,4,2)]} & specific elements\\ \code{x["name"]} & element named \code{"name"}\\ \code{x[x > 3]} & all elements greater than 3\\ \code{x[x > 3 \& x < 5]} & all elements between 3 and 5\\ \code{x[x \%in\% c("a","and","the")]} & elements in the given set\\ \end{tabular} Indexing lists\\* \samepage\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l} \code{x[n]} & list with elements \code{n}\\ \code{x[[n]]} & \code{n}$^{th}$ element of the list\\ \code{x[["name"]]} & element of the list named \code{"name"}\\ \code{x\$name} & id.\\ \end{tabular} Indexing matrices \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l} \code{x[i,j]} & element at row \code{i}, column \code{j}\\ \code{x[i,]} & row \code{i}\\ \code{x[,j]} & column \code{j}\\ \code{x[,c(1,3)]} & columns 1 and 3\\ \code{x["name",]} & row named \code{"name"}\\ \end{tabular} Indexing data frames (matrix indexing plus the following) \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l} \code{x[["name"]]} & column named \code{"name"}\\ \code{x\$name} & id.\\ \end{tabular} \section{Variable conversion} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{as.array(x), as.data.frame(x), as.numeric(x), as.logical(x), as.complex(x), as.character(x), ...} convert type; for a complete list, use \code{methods(as)} \section{Variable information} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{is.na(x), is.null(x), is.array(x), is.data.frame(x), is.numeric(x), is.complex(x), is.character(x), ...} test for type; for a complete list, use \code{methods(is)} \bcode{length(x)} number of elements in \code{x} \bcode{dim(x)} Retrieve or set the dimension of an object; \code{dim(x) <- c(3,2)} \bcode{dimnames(x)} Retrieve or set the dimension names of an object \bcode{nrow(x)} number of rows; \code{NROW(x)} is the same but treats a vector as a one-row matrix \bcode{ncol(x)} and \bcode{NCOL(x)} id. for columns \bcode{class(x)} get or set the class of \code{x}; \code{class(x) <- "myclass"} \bcode{unclass(x)} remove the class attribute of \code{x} \bcode{attr(x,which)} get or set the attribute \code{which} of \code{x} \bcode{attributes(obj)} get or set the list of attributes of \code{obj} \section{Data selection and manipulation} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{which.max(x)} returns the index of the greatest element of \bcode{x} \bcode{which.min(x)} returns the index of the smallest element of \bcode{x} \bcode{rev(x)} reverses the elements of \code{x} \bcode{sort(x)} sorts the elements of \code{x} in increasing order; to sort in decreasing order: \code{rev(sort(x))} \bcode{cut(x,breaks)} divides \code{x} into intervals (factors); \code{breaks} is the number of cut intervals or a vector of cut points \bcode{match(x, y)} returns a vector of the same length than \code{x} with the elements of \code{x} which are in \code{y} (\code{NA} otherwise) \bcode{which(x == a)} returns a vector of the indices of \code{x} if the comparison operation is true (\T), in this example the values of \code{i} for which \code{x[i] == a} (the argument of this function must be a variable of mode logical) \bcode{choose(n, k)} computes the combinations of $k$ events among $n$ repetitions = $n!/[(n-k)!k!]$ \bcode{na.omit(x)} suppresses the observations with missing data (\code{NA}) (suppresses the corresponding line if \code{x} is a matrix or a data frame) \bcode{na.fail(x)} returns an error message if \code{x} contains at least one \code{NA} \bcode{unique(x)} if \code{x} is a vector or a data frame, returns a similar object but with the duplicate elements suppressed \bcode{table(x)} returns a table with the numbers of the differents values of \code{x} (typically for integers or factors) \bcode{subset(x, ...)} returns a selection of \code{x} with respect to criteria (\code{...}, typically comparisons: \code{x\$V1 < 10}); if \code{x} is a data frame, the option \code{select} gives the variables to be kept or dropped using a minus sign \bcode{sample(x, size)} resample randomly and without replacement \code{size} elements in the vector \code{x}, the option \code{replace = TRUE} allows to resample with replacement \bcode{prop.table(x,margin=)} table entries as fraction of marginal table \section{Math} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,atan2,log,log10,exp} \bcode{max(x)} maximum of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{min(x)} minimum of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{range(x)} id. then \code{c(min(x), max(x))} \bcode{sum(x)} sum of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{diff(x)} lagged and iterated differences of vector \code{x} \bcode{prod(x)} product of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{mean(x)} mean of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{median(x)} median of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{quantile(x,probs=)} sample quantiles corresponding to the given probabilities (defaults to 0,.25,.5,.75,1) \bcode{weighted.mean(x, w)} mean of \code{x} with weights \code{w} \bcode{rank(x)} ranks of the elements of \code{x} \bcode{var(x)} or \code{cov(x)} variance of the elements of \code{x} (calculated on $n-1$); if \code{x} is a matrix or a data frame, the variance-covariance matrix is calculated \bcode{sd(x)} standard deviation of \code{x} \bcode{cor(x)} correlation matrix of \code{x} if it is a matrix or a data frame (1 if \code{x} is a vector) \bcode{var(x, y)} or \code{cov(x, y)} covariance between \code{x} and \code{y}, or between the columns of \code{x} and those of \code{y} if they are matrices or data frames \bcode{cor(x, y)} linear correlation between \code{x} and \code{y}, or correlation matrix if they are matrices or data frames \bcode{round(x, n)} rounds the elements of \code{x} to \code{n} decimals \bcode{log(x, base)} computes the logarithm of \code{x} with base \code{base} \bcode{scale(x)} if \code{x} is a matrix, centers and reduces the data; to center only use the option \code{center=FALSE}, to reduce only \code{scale=FALSE} (by default \code{center=TRUE, scale=TRUE}) \bcode{pmin(x,y,...)} a vector which $i$th element is the minimum of \code{x[i]}, \code{y[i]}, \ldots \bcode{pmax(x,y,...)} id. for the maximum \bcode{cumsum(x)} a vector which $i$th element is the sum from \code{x[1]} to \code{x[i]} \bcode{cumprod(x)} id. for the product \bcode{cummin(x)} id. for the minimum \bcode{cummax(x)} id. for the maximum \bcode{union(x,y)},~\bcode{intersect(x,y)},~\bcode{setdiff(x,y)},~\bcode{setequal(x,y)}, \bcode{is.element(el,set)} ``set'' functions \bcode{Re(x)} real part of a complex number \bcode{Im(x)} imaginary part \bcode{Mod(x)} modulus; \code{abs(x)} is the same \bcode{Arg(x)} angle in radians of the complex number \bcode{Conj(x)} complex conjugate \bcode{convolve(x,y)} compute the several kinds of convolutions of two sequences \bcode{fft(x)} Fast Fourier Transform of an array \bcode{mvfft(x)} FFT of each column of a matrix \bcode{filter(x,filter)} applies linear filtering to a univariate time series or to each series separately of a multivariate time series \everypar={\hangindent=0mm} Many math functions have a logical parameter \code{na.rm=FALSE} to specify missing data (NA) removal. \section{Matrices} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{t(x)} transpose \bcode{diag(x)} diagonal \bcode{\%*\%} matrix multiplication \bcode{solve(a,b)} solves \code{a \%*\% x = b} for \code{x} \bcode{solve(a)} matrix inverse of \code{a} \bcode{rowsum(x)} sum of rows for a matrix-like object; \bcode{rowSums(x)} is a faster version \bcode{colsum(x)}, \bcode{colSums(x)} id. for columns \bcode{rowMeans(x)} fast version of row means \bcode{colMeans(x)} id. for columns \section{Advanced data processing} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{apply(X,INDEX,FUN=)} a vector or array or list of values obtained by applying a function \code{FUN} to margins (\code{INDEX}) of \code{X} \bcode{lapply(X,FUN)} apply \code{FUN} to each element of the list \code{X} \bcode{tapply(X,INDEX,FUN=)} apply \code{FUN} to each cell of a ragged array given by \code{X} with indexes \code{INDEX} \bcode{by(data,INDEX,FUN)} apply \code{FUN} to data frame \code{data} subsetted by \code{INDEX} \bcode{merge(a,b)} merge two data frames by common columns or row names \bcode{xtabs(a~b,data=x)} a contingency table from cross-classifying factors \bcode{aggregate(x,by,FUN)} splits the data frame \code{x} into subsets, computes summary statistics for each, and returns the result in a convenient form; \code{by} is a list of grouping elements, each as long as the variables in \code{x} \bcode{stack(x, ...)} transform data available as separate columns in a data frame or list into a single column \bcode{unstack(x, ...)} inverse of \code{stack()} \bcode{reshape(x, ...)} reshapes a data frame between 'wide' format with repeated measurements in separate columns of the same record and 'long' format with the repeated measurements in separate records; use \code(direction="wide") or \code(direction="long") \section{Strings} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{paste(...)} concatenate vectors after converting to character; \code{sep=} is the string to separate terms (a single space is the default); \code{collapse=} is an optional string to separate ``collapsed'' results \bcode{substr(x,start,stop)} substrings in a character vector; can also assign, as \code{substr(x, start, stop) <- value} \bcode{strsplit(x,split)} split \code{x} according to the substring \code{split} \bcode{grep(pattern,x)} searches for matches to \code{pattern} within \code{x}; see \code{?regex} \bcode{gsub(pattern,replacement,x)} replacement of matches determined by regular expression matching \code{sub()} is the same but only replaces the first occurrence. \bcode{tolower(x)} convert to lowercase \bcode{toupper(x)} convert to uppercase \bcode{match(x,table)} a vector of the positions of first matches for the elements of \code{x} among \code{table} \bcode{x \%in\% table} id. but returns a logical vector \bcode{pmatch(x,table)} partial matches for the elements of \code{x} among \code{table} \bcode{nchar(x)} number of characters \section{\color{blue}Dates and Times} The class \code{Date} has dates without times. \code{POSIXct} has dates and times, including time zones. Comparisons (e.g. $>$), \code{seq()}, and \code{difftime()} are useful. \code{Date} also allows $+$ and $-$. \code{?DateTimeClasses} gives more information. See also package \code{chron}. \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{as.Date(s)} and \bcode{as.POSIXct(s)} convert to the respective class; \code{format(dt)} converts to a string representation. The default string format is ``2001-02-21''. These accept a second argument to specify a format for conversion. Some common formats are: \describe{ \itemsep=0pt\parskip=0pt \item{\code{\%a}, \code{\%A}} {Abbreviated and full weekday name.} \item{\code{\%b}, \code{\%B}} {Abbreviated and full month name.} \item{\code{\%d}} {Day of the month (01--31).} \item{\code{\%H}} {Hours (00--23).} \item{\code{\%I}} {Hours (01--12).} \item{\code{\%j}} {Day of year (001--366).} \item{\code{\%m}} {Month (01--12).} \item{\code{\%M}} {Minute (00--59).} \item{\code{\%p}} {AM/PM indicator. } \item{\code{\%S}} {Second as decimal number (00--61).} \item{\code{\%U}} {Week (00--53); the first Sunday as day 1 of week 1.} \item{\code{\%w}} {Weekday (0--6, Sunday is 0).} \item{\code{\%W}} {Week (00--53); the first Monday as day 1 of week 1.} \item{\code{\%y}} {Year without century (00--99). Don't use.} \item{\code{\%Y}} {Year with century.} \item{\code{\%z}} {(output only.) Offset from Greenwich; \code{-0800} is 8 hours west of.} \item{\code{\%Z}} {(output only.) Time zone as a character string (empty if not available).} } Where leading zeros are shown they will be used on output but are optional on input. See \code{?strftime}. \section{Plotting} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{plot(x)} plot of the values of \code{x} (on the $y$-axis) ordered on the $x$-axis \bcode{plot(x, y)} bivariate plot of \code{x} (on the $x$-axis) and \code{y} (on the $y$-axis) \bcode{hist(x)} histogram of the frequencies of \code{x} \bcode{barplot(x)} histogram of the values of \code{x}; use \code{horiz=FALSE} for horizontal bars \bcode{dotchart(x)} if \code{x} is a data frame, plots a Cleveland dot plot (stacked plots line-by-line and column-by-column) \bcode{pie(x)} circular pie-chart \bcode{boxplot(x)} ``box-and-whiskers'' plot \bcode{sunflowerplot(x, y)} id. than \code{plot()} but the points with similar coordinates are drawn as flowers which petal number represents the number of points \bcode{stripplot(x)} plot of the values of \code{x} on a line (an alternative to \code{boxplot()} for small sample sizes) \bcode{coplot(x\~{}y $\mid$ z)} bivariate plot of \code{x} and \code{y} for each value or interval of values of \code{z} \bcode{interaction.plot (f1, f2, y)} if \code{f1} and \code{f2} are factors, plots the means of \code{y} (on the $y$-axis) with respect to the values of \code{f1} (on the $x$-axis) and of \code{f2} (different curves); the option \code{fun} allows to choose the summary statistic of \code{y} (by default \code{fun=mean}) \bcode{matplot(x,y)} bivariate plot of the first column of \code{x} {\it vs.} the first one of \code{y}, the second one of \code{x} {\it vs.} the second one of \code{y}, etc. \bcode{fourfoldplot(x)} visualizes, with quarters of circles, the association between two dichotomous variables for different populations (\code{x} must be an array with \code{dim=c(2, 2, k)}, or a matrix with \code{dim=c(2, 2)} if $k=1$) \bcode{assocplot(x)} Cohen--Friendly graph showing the deviations from independence of rows and columns in a two dimensional contingency table \bcode{mosaicplot(x)} `mosaic' graph of the residuals from a log-linear regression of a contingency table \bcode{pairs(x)} if \code{x} is a matrix or a data frame, draws all possible bivariate plots between the columns of \code{x} \bcode{plot.ts(x)} if \code{x} is an object of class \code{"ts"}, plot of \code{x} with respect to time, \code{x} may be multivariate but the series must have the same frequency and dates \bcode{ts.plot(x)} id. but if \code{x} is multivariate the series may have different dates and must have the same frequency \bcode{qqnorm(x)} quantiles of \code{x} with respect to the values expected under a normal law \bcode{qqplot(x, y)} quantiles of \code{y} with respect to the quantiles of \code{x} \bcode{contour(x, y, z)} contour plot (data are interpolated to draw the curves), \code{x} and \code{y} must be vectors and \code{z} must be a matrix so that \code{dim(z)=c(length(x), length(y))} (\code{x} and \code{y} may be omitted) \bcode{filled.contour(x, y, z)} id. but the areas between the contours are coloured, and a legend of the colours is drawn as well \bcode{image(x, y, z)} id. but with colours (actual data are plotted) \bcode{persp(x, y, z)} id. but in perspective (actual data are plotted) \bcode{stars(x)} if \code{x} is a matrix or a data frame, draws a graph with segments or a star where each row of \code{x} is represented by a star and the columns are the lengths of the segments \bcode{symbols(x, y, ...)} draws, at the coordinates given by \code{x} and \code{y}, symbols (circles, squares, rectangles, stars, thermometres or ``boxplots'') which sizes, colours \ldots{} are specified by supplementary arguments \bcode{termplot(mod.obj)} plot of the (partial) effects of a regression model (\code{mod.obj}) The following parameters are common to many plotting functions: \bcode{add=FALSE} if \T{} superposes the plot on the previous one (if it exists) \bcode{axes=TRUE} if \F{} does not draw the axes and the box \bcode{type="p"} specifies the type of plot, \code{"p"}: points, \code{"l"}: lines, \code{"b"}: points connected by lines, \code{"o"}: id. but the lines are over the points, \code{"h"}: vertical lines, \code{"s"}: steps, the data are represented by the top of the vertical lines, \code{"S"}: id. but the data are represented by the bottom of the vertical lines \bcode{xlim=, ylim=} specifies the lower and upper limits of the axes, for example with \code{xlim=c(1, 10)} or \code{xlim=range(x)} \bcode{xlab=, ylab=} annotates the axes, must be variables of mode character \bcode{main=} main title, must be a variable of mode character \bcode{sub=} sub-title (written in a smaller font) \section{Low-level plotting commands} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{points(x, y)} adds points (the option \code{type=} can be used) \bcode{lines(x, y)} id. but with lines \bcode{text(x, y, \mbox{labels}, ...)} adds text given by \code{labels} at coordinates (\code{x},\code{y}); a typical use is: \code{plot(x, y, type="n"); text(x, y, names)} \bcode{mtext(text, side=3, line=0, ...)} adds text given by \code{text} in the margin specified by \code{side} (see \code{axis()} below); \code{line} specifies the line from the plotting area \bcode{segments(x0, y0, x1, y1)} draws lines from points (\code{x0},\code{y0}) to points (\code{x1},\code{y1}) \bcode{arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, angle= 30, code=2)} id. with arrows at points (\code{x0},\code{y0}) if \code{code=2}, at points (\code{x1},\code{y1}) if \code{code=1}, or both if \code{code=3}; \code{angle} controls the angle from the shaft of the arrow to the edge of the arrow head \bcode{abline(a,b)} draws a line of slope \code{b} and intercept \code{a} \bcode{abline(h=y)} draws a horizontal line at ordinate \code{y} \bcode{abline(v=x)} draws a vertical line at abcissa \code{x} \bcode{abline(lm.obj)} draws the regression line given by \code{lm.obj} \bcode{rect(x1, y1, x2, y2)} draws a rectangle which left, right, bottom, and top limits are \code{x1}, \code{x2}, \code{y1}, and \code{y2}, respectively \bcode{polygon(x, y)} draws a polygon linking the points with coordinates given by \code{x} and \code{y} \bcode{legend(x, y, legend)} adds the legend at the point (\code{x},\code{y}) with the symbols given by \code{legend} \bcode{title()} adds a title and optionally a sub-title \bcode{axis(side, vect)} adds an axis at the bottom (\code{side=1}), on the left (\code{2}), at the top (\code{3}), or on the right (\code{4}); \code{vect} (optional) gives the abcissa (or ordinates) where tick-marks are drawn \bcode{rug(x)} draws the data \code{x} on the $x$-axis as small vertical lines \bcode{locator(n, type="n", ...)} returns the coordinates ($x,y$) after the user has clicked \code{n} times on the plot with the mouse; also draws symbols (\code{type="p"}) or lines (\code{type="l"}) with respect to optional graphic parameters (\code{...}); by default nothing is drawn (\code{type="n"}) \section{Graphical parameters} These can be set globally with \bcode{par(...)}; many can be passed as parameters to plotting commands. \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{adj} controls text justification (\code{0} left-justified, \code{0.5} centred, \code{1} right-justified) \bcode{bg} specifies the colour of the background (ex. : \code{bg="red"}, \code{bg="blue"}, \ldots{} the list of the 657 available colours is displayed with \code{colors()}) \bcode{bty} controls the type of box drawn around the plot, allowed values are: \code{"o"}, \code{"l"}, \code{"7"}, \code{"c"}, \code{"u"} ou \code{"]"} (the box looks like the corresponding character); if \code{bty="n"} the box is not drawn \bcode{cex} a value controlling the size of texts and symbols with respect to the default; the following parameters have the same control for numbers on the axes, \code{cex.axis}, the axis labels, \code{cex.lab}, the title, \code{cex.main}, and the sub-title, \code{cex.sub} \bcode{col} controls the color of symbols and lines; use color names: \code{"red"}, \code{"blue"} see \code{colors()} or as \code{"\#RRGGBB"}; see \code{rgb()}, \code{hsv()}, \code{gray()}, and \code{rainbow()}; as for \code{cex} there are: \code{col.axis}, \code{col.lab}, \code{col.main}, \code{col.sub} \bcode{font} an integer which controls the style of text (\code{1}: normal, \code{2}: italics, \code{3}: bold, \code{4}: bold italics); as for \code{cex} there are: \code{font.axis}, \code{font.lab}, \code{font.main}, \code{font.sub} \bcode{las} an integer which controls the orientation of the axis labels (\code{0}: parallel to the axes, \code{1}: horizontal, \code{2}: perpendicular to the axes, \code{3}: vertical) \bcode{lty} controls the type of lines, can be an integer or string (\code{1}: \code{"solid"}, \code{2}: \code{"dashed"}, \code{3}: \code{"dotted"}, \code{4}: \code{"dotdash"}, \code{5}: \code{"longdash"}, \code{6}: \code{"twodash"}, or a string of up to eight characters (between \code{"0"} and \code{"9"}) which specifies alternatively the length, in points or pixels, of the drawn elements and the blanks, for example \code{lty="44"} will have the same effect than \code{lty=2} \bcode{lwd} a numeric which controls the width of lines, default \code{1} \bcode{mar} a vector of 4 numeric values which control the space between the axes and the border of the graph of the form \code{c(bottom, left, top, right)}, the default values are \code{c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)} \bcode{mfcol} a vector of the form \code{c(nr,nc)} which partitions the graphic window as a matrix of \code{nr} lines and \code{nc} columns, the plots are then drawn in columns \bcode{mfrow} id. but the plots are drawn by row \bcode{pch} controls the type of symbol, either an integer between 1 and 25, or any single character within \code{""} \epsfig{file=pch_symbol.ps,width=8.5cm} \bcode{ps} an integer which controls the size in points of texts and symbols \bcode{pty} a character which specifies the type of the plotting region, \code{"s"}: square, \code{"m"}: maximal \bcode{tck} a value which specifies the length of tick-marks on the axes as a fraction of the smallest of the width or height of the plot; if \code{tck=1} a grid is drawn \bcode{tcl} a value which specifies the length of tick-marks on the axes as a fraction of the height of a line of text (by default \code{tcl=-0.5}) \bcode{xaxt} if \code{xaxt="n"} the $x$-axis is set but not drawn (useful in conjonction with \code{axis(side=1, ...)}) \bcode{yaxt} if \code{yaxt="n"} the $y$-axis is set but not drawn (useful in conjonction with \code{axis(side=2, ...)}) \section{Lattice (Trellis) graphics} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{xyplot(y\~{}x)} bivariate plots (with many functionalities) \bcode{barchart(y\~{}x)} histogram of the values of \code{y} with respect to those of \code{x} \bcode{dotplot(y\~{}x)} Cleveland dot plot (stacked plots line-by-line and column-by-column) \bcode{densityplot(\~{}x)} density functions plot \bcode{histogram(\~{}x)} histogram of the frequencies of \code{x} \bcode{bwplot(y\~{}x)} ``box-and-whiskers'' plot \bcode{qqmath(\~{}x)} quantiles of \code{x} with respect to the values expected under a theoretical distribution \bcode{stripplot(y\~{}x)} single dimension plot, \code{x} must be numeric, \code{y} may be a factor \bcode{qq(y\~{}x)} quantiles to compare two distributions, \code{x} must be numeric, \code{y} may be numeric, character, or factor but must have two `levels' \bcode{splom(\~{}x)} matrix of bivariate plots \bcode{parallel(\~{}x)} parallel coordinates plot \bcode{levelplot(z\~{}x*y|g1*g2)} coloured plot of the values of \code{z} at the coordinates given by \code{x} and \code{y} (\code{x}, \code{y} and \code{z} are all of the same length) \bcode{wireframe(z\~{}x*y|g1*g2)} 3d surface plot \bcode{cloud(z\~{}x*y|g1*g2)} 3d scatter plot \everypar={\hangindent=0mm} In the normal Lattice formula, \code{y~x|g1*g2} has combinations of optional conditioning variables \code{g1} and \code{g2} plotted on separate panels. Lattice functions take many of the same arguments as base graphics plus also \code{data=} the data frame for the formula variables and \code{subset=} for subsetting. Use \code{panel=} to define a custom panel function (see \code{apropos("panel")} and \code{?llines}). Lattice functions return an object of class trellis and have to be \code{print}-ed to produce the graph. Use \code{print(xyplot(...))} inside functions where automatic printing doesn't work. Use \code{lattice.theme} and \code{lset} to change Lattice defaults. \section{Optimization and model fitting} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{optim(par, fn, method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")} general-purpose optimization; \code{par} is initial values, \code{fn} is function to optimize (normally minimize) \bcode{nlm(f,p)} minimize function \code{f} using a Newton-type algorithm with starting values \code{p} \bcode{lm(formula)} fit linear models; \code{formula} is typically of the form \code{response ~ termA + termB + ...}; use \code{I(x*y) + I(x\^{}2)} for terms made of nonlinear components \bcode{glm(formula,family=)} fit generalized linear models, specified by giving a symbolic description of the linear predictor and a description of the error distribution; \code{family} is a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model; see \code{?family} \bcode{nls(formula)} nonlinear least-squares estimates of the nonlinear model parameters \bcode{approx(x,y=)} linearly interpolate given data points; \code{x} can be an xy plotting structure \bcode{spline(x,y=)} cubic spline interpolation \bcode{loess(formula)} fit a polynomial surface using local fitting \everypar={\hangindent=0mm} Many of the formula-based modeling functions have several common arguments: \code{data=} the data frame for the formula variables, \code{subset=} a subset of variables used in the fit, \code{na.action=} action for missing values: \code{"na.fail"}, \code{"na.omit"}, or a function. The following generics often apply to model fitting functions: \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{predict(fit,...)} predictions from \code{fit} based on input data \bcode{df.residual(fit)} returns the number of residual degrees of freedom \bcode{coef(fit)} returns the estimated coefficients (sometimes with their standard-errors) \bcode{residuals(fit)} returns the residuals \bcode{deviance(fit)} returns the deviance \bcode{fitted(fit)} returns the fitted values \bcode{logLik(fit)} computes the logarithm of the likelihood and the number of parameters \bcode{AIC(fit)} computes the Akaike information criterion or AIC \section{Statistics} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{aov(formula)} analysis of variance model \bcode{anova(fit,...)} analysis of variance (or deviance) tables for one or more fitted model objects \bcode{density(x)} kernel density estimates of \code{x} \bcode{binom.test()}, \bcode{pairwise.t.test()}, \bcode{power.t.test()}, \bcode{prop.test()}, \bcode{t.test()}, ... use \code{help.search("test")} \section{Distributions} \bcode{rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)} Gaussian (normal) \bcode{rexp(n, rate=1)} exponential \bcode{rgamma(n, shape, scale=1)} gamma \bcode{rpois(n, lambda)} Poisson \bcode{rweibull(n, shape, scale=1)} Weibull \bcode{rcauchy(n, location=0, scale=1)} Cauchy \bcode{rbeta(n, shape1, shape2)} beta \bcode{rt(n, df)} `Student' ($t$) \bcode{rf(n, df1, df2)} Fisher--Snedecor ($F$) ($\chi^2$) \bcode{rchisq(n, df)} Pearson \bcode{rbinom(n, size, prob)} binomial \bcode{rgeom(n, prob)} geometric \bcode{rhyper(nn, m, n, k)} hypergeometric \bcode{rlogis(n, location=0, scale=1)} logistic \bcode{rlnorm(n, meanlog=0, sdlog=1)} lognormal \bcode{rnbinom(n, size, prob)} negative binomial \bcode{runif(n, min=0, max=1)} uniform \bcode{rwilcox(nn, m, n)}, \code{rsignrank(nn, n)} Wilcoxon's statistics All these functions can be used by replacing the letter \code{r} with \code{d}, \code{p} or \code{q} to get, respectively, the probability density (\code{d\textsl{func}(x, ...)}), the cumulative probability density (\code{p\textsl{func}(x, ...)}), and the value of quantile (\code{q\textsl{func}(p, ...)}, with 0 $<$ \code{p} $<$ 1). \section{Programming} \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{function( arglist ) expr} function definition \bcode{return(value)} \everypar={\hangindent=0mm} \bcode{if(cond) expr\\ if(cond) cons.expr else alt.expr\\ for(var in seq) expr\\ while(cond) expr\\ repeat expr\\ break\\ next} Use braces \{\} around statements \everypar={\hangindent=9mm} \bcode{ifelse(test, yes, no)} a value with the same shape as \code{test} filled with elements from either \code{yes} or \code{no} \bcode{do.call(funname, args)} executes a function call from the name of the function and a list of arguments to be passed to it \end{multicols*} \end{document} %