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Installing R on a PC

You can install R from the web. To do this, go to the URL


Follow the link to Precompiled Binary Distributions to Windows.

You should be now in a page named Index of bin/windows and then click on base.

You are now in the Index of bin/Windows/base and you should now click on Download R 2.9.1 for Windows and execute the file .exe created from where you saved it (there are sensible defaults).

Installation of Contributed Packages

Contributed packages can subsequently be installed by use of Packages in the menu at the top of a running R, but note that the CRAN mirror should first be set to UK (Bristol). Note that it may be necessary to begin by clicking on the R icon and then on
Run as administrator rather than simply running R.

Other information

Click here to return to general information about the R program.

21 August 2009