This information is available as a Word
From: A Bibliography of Alexander Pushkin in English: Studies and
Translations, compiled by Lauren G. Leighton. Lewiston, NY and Lampeter
: Edwin Mellen Press c. 1999, [ISBN 978-0773481701]
- Shaw, Thomas Budge. "[Excerpt from Dedication to Eugene
Onegin]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57, no. 356 (June 1845): 666.
- Eugene Onéguine; a Romance of Russian Life in Verse.
Translated by Lt.-Col. Henry Spalding. London: Macmillan, 1881; also
published as an excerpt "From Eugeni Onegin (Tatyana's Letter)." In
Anthology of Russian Literature from the Earliest Period to the
Present Time. 2 parts. Edited by Leo Wiener, 2: 131-33. New York:
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902-3; and as "Onyegin's Return." In A Russian
Anthology in English. Edited by Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts, 155-67.
New York: E. P. Dutton, 1917.
- Turner, Charles Edward. "Evgenie Oneguin [Excerpt]." Translated by
Charles Edward Turner. In his Studies in Russian Literature,
261-75. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1882; rpt.
New York: Kraus Reprint, 1971.
- "Eugene Onieguine (Excerpts)." Translated by William R.]
[Morfill. Westminster Review 119, 63 (New Series) (April 1883):
- "Evgeny Onegin (Excerpts)." Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.
In Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. 46
vols., edited by Charles Dudley Warner, 20: 11918-24. New York: J. A.
Hill, 1896; Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and
Modern. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner, 20: 11918-24. 30 vols.
New York: R. S. Peale and J. A. Hill, 1897; The Warner Library. The
World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. Edited by John W.
Cunliffe and Ashley H. Thorndike, 20: 11918-24. 30 vols. New York:
Knickerbocker Press, 1917.
- Hapgood, Isabel Florence. "Excerpt from Evgeni Onyegin." In
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, 20:
11904-24. New York, 1897.
- "From Eugeni Onegin (Tatyana's Letter)." Translated by Lt.-Col.
Henry Spalding. In Anthology of Russian Literature from the Earliest
Period to the Present Time. 2 parts, edited by Leo Wiener, 2: 131-33.
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902-3.
- "The Duel.' From Eugene Onegin." Translated by H.C.F. In Poetry
and Progress in Russia, edited by Rosa Harriet Newmarch (Jeaffreson),
124-27. London: Lane, 1907.
- "'Tatiana's Letter.' From Eugene Onegin." Translated by R.
Newmarch. In Poetry and Progress in Russia, edited by Rosa Harriet
Newmarch (Jeaffreson), 121-23. London: Lane, 1907.
- "The Coming of Winter [From Eugene Onegin]." Translated by
Martha Gilbert Bianchi (Dickinson). In her Russian Lyrics: Songs of
Cossack Lover, Patriot, and Peasant, 23-25. New York: Duffield,
1910; 2d ed. 1916.
- "From "Onegin" ("How Sad to Me is Thine Appearing..")." Translated
by Martha Gilbert Bianchi (Dickinson). In her Russian Lyrics: Songs
of Cossack Lover, Patriot, and Peasant, 28-29. New York: Duffield,
1910; 2d ed. 1916.
- "From "Onegin" ("Love Condescends to Every Altar..")." Translated
by Martha Gilbert Bianchi (Dickinson). In her Russian Lyrics: Songs
of Cossack Lover, Patriot, and Peasant, 27. New York: Duffield,
1910; 2d ed. 1916.
- "Sometimes He Read Aloud to Olga. [From Eugene Onegin]."
Translated by Martha Gilbert Bianchi (Dickinson). In her Russian
Lyrics: Songs of Cossack Lover, Patriot, and Peasant, 26. New York:
Duffield, 1910; 2d ed. 1916.
- "Extracts from 'Eugene Onegin."' Russian Review 2, no. 1
(Spring 1913): 56-60. A summary of the novel with prose samples of
"Tatyana's letter to Onegin," "Onegin meets Tatyana in the garden,"
and "Tatyana and Onegin in Moscow" (sic).
- "Onyegin's Return." Translated by Henry Spalding. In A Russian
Anthology in English. edited by Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts, 155-67.
New York: E. P. Dutton, 1917; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1917.
- "A Russian Rake." Anglo-Russian Literary Society. Proceedings,
no. 89 (1920): 11-32. Paraphrase of first canto in approximation of
original meter.
- "Evgeny Onyegin: Tatyana's Letter to Onyegin." Translated by Isabel
F. Hapgood. In Columbia University Course in Literature: Scandinavian
and Slavonic Literature, [10]; 344-50. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1928. 1907 and 1913 editions do not feature poems by Pushkin.
- "'Meditation on the Banks of the Neva" and Beautiful Feet from
Eugeni Onyegin." In The Slav Anthology: Russian, Polish, Bohemian,
Serbian, Croatian, edited and translated by Edna Underwood (Worthley),
46-48, 50-52. Portland, Maine: Mosher Press, 1931.
- "Evgeny Onegin. Selections from Cantos I-IV." Translated by
Oliver Elton. Slavonic and East European Review 12, no. 34 (July
1934): 2-5; 13, no. 38 (January 1935): 233-50; 14, no. 41 (January 1936):
249-69; 15, no. 44 (January 1937): 248-81; 15, no. 45 (April 1937):
498-531; 16, no. 46 (July 1937): 1-38; 16, no. 47 (January 1938):
- "Eugene Onegin." Translated by Babette Deutsch. In Poems, Prose
and Plays of Alexander Pushkin, edited by Avrahm Yarmolinsky, 111-311.
Modern Library. New York: Random House, 1936, 1943, 1953. London:
Nonesuch Press, 1936; Eugene Onegin, A New Translation. Lithographs
by Fritz Eichenberg. New York: Heritage Press for the Limited Edition
Club, 1943, 1953; Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1965; Edited by Avrahm
Yarmolinsky. Penguin Classics L151. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin
Books, 1964.
- Evgeny Onegin. Translated by Oliver Elton. London: The Pushkin
Press, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1941? 1943, 1946, 1948. Foreword by Desmond
McCarthy. Evgeny Onegin. Illustrated by M. Brett. Glasgow: Gibson,
1939. 1943, 1946 and 1948 editions have illustrations by M.V. Dobujnsky.
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by Dorothea Prall Radin and George Z.
Patrick. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1936;
London: Cambridge University Press, 1937.
- "Alexander I [From Eugene Onegin." Translated by Oliver Elton.
Sovietland 6, no. 1 (January 1937): 36.
- "Eugene Onegin (Excerpt)." Translated by Dorothea Prall Radin.
In Centennial Essays for Pushkin, edited by Samuel H. Cross and
Ernest J. Simmons, 159-63. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press, 1937.
- "Evgeny Onegin. Excerpts from the Novel in Verse." Translated
by Oliver Elton. Sovietland 6, no. 1 (January 1937): 13-17.
- "[Excerpts from Eugene Onegin]." Translated by Babette Deutsch.
Moscow Daily News, no. 33 (1937): 2, 4; also Moscow Daily
News no. 34-36 (1937).
- Spector, Ivan "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin (Canto III, Stanza 31)."
Translated by Dorothea Prall Radin and George Z. Patrick. In The
Golden Age of Russian Literature, 42-44. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton
Printers, 1939. rev. ed. 1943; rev. and enl. ed. 1952. First Printed
as The Golden Age of Russian Literature. Seattle, Washington: The
University Bookstore, 1938.
- "Tatyana's Letter." Translated by Oliver Elton. In his A Book
of Russian Verse, edited by Cecil Maurice Bowra, 5-6. London:
Macmillan, 1943; also in Pushkin: A Laurel Reader. Edited by Ernest
J. Simmons, 34-36. New York: Dell, 1961.
- "Girl's Song." Translated by Oliver Elton. In his A Book of
Russian Verse, edited by Cecil Maurice Bowra, 5. London: Macmillan,
1943; also in Pushkin: A Laurel Reader. Edited by Ernest J.
Simmons, 33. New York: Dell, 1961.
- "Tatiana's Letter." Translated by Frances Cornford and Esther
Polianowsky Salaman. In their Poems from the Russian. 16-20.
London: Faber, 1943.
- "Tatyana Sends a Letter to Onegin." Translated by Oliver Elton.
In A Treasury of Russian Life and Humor, edited by John Cournos,
112-14. New York: Coward McCann, 1943; also in A Treasury of Classic
Russian Literature. Edited by John Cournos, 100-2. A Capricorn
Edition. New York: Capricorn Books, 1961.
- "From Pushkin's 'Eugene Onegin."' Translated by Vladimir Nabokov.
Russian Review 4, no. 1 (Spring 1945): 38-39.
- "Eugene Onegin (Excerpts)." Translated by Babette Deutsch. In
The Heritage of European Literature. 2 vols., edited by Edward H.
Weatherly, A. Pelzer Wagener, Edwin H. Zeydel and Avrahm Yarmolinsky,
2: 426-27. Boston: Ginn, 1948-49.
- "From Eugene Onegin: Tatyana's Letter." Translated by Babette
Deutsch. In A Treasury of Russian Verse, edited by Avrahm
Yarmolinsky, 67-69. New York: Random House, 1949: also in Anthology
of Russian Verse, 1812-1960, 35-36. New York: Doubleday, 1962; and
Two Centuries of Russian Verse: An Anthology from Lomonosov to
Voznesensky, 34-36. New York: Random House, 1966.
- Eugene Onegin. A Romance in Verses. Translated by Bayard
Simmons. London, 1950. Typewrtten copy in British Museum.
- "Opening Stanza of 'Eugene Onaygin'; Tatiana's Letter from
'Eugene Onaygin'; Tatiana's Monologue from 'Eugene Onaygin.'"
Translated by Olgan Deacon. In his Before the Iron Curtain: A
Selection of Russian Verse, 9-13. Elms Court, Ilfracombe, Devon:
Stockwell, 1951.
- "Eugene Onegin, Canto I." Translated by Reginald Mainwaring
Hewitt. In Reginald Mainwaring Hewitt (1887-1948): A Selection from
His Remains, edited by V. de S. Pinto, 120-25. Oxford: Printed for
the Subscribers by Blackwell, 1955.
- "Eugene Onegin (Chapter 1)." Translated by Dorothea Prall Radin
and George Z. Patrick. In Pushkin: A Laurel Reader, edited by
Ernest J. Simmons, 69-93. New York: Dell, 1961.
- "Tatyana's Conversation Penguin with Her Nurse," In Penguin
Book of Russian Verse, edited by Dimitri Obolensky, 84-86.
Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1962; 2d ed. rev. 1965;
1967; 1969; The Heritage of Russian Verse. Edited by Dimitri
Obolensky, 84-86. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press,
1976. Russian text with plain prose translation.
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by Walter Arndt. Bollinger Prize for
Translation. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1963; 2d ed. rev, and expanded.
New York: Penguin Books, 1981; Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ardis, 1992.
- "[Eugene Onegin (Extracts)]." In Selected Verse of Alexander
Pushkin, edited and translated by John Fennell, 140-206.
Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1964; rpt. London: Bristol
Classical Press, 1991. Prose translation.
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by Eugene M. Kayden. Illustrated by
N.V. Kuzmin. Classics of Russian Literature. Yellow Springs, Ohio:
Antioch Press, 1964.
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by Vladimir Nabokov. Bollingen Series
LXXII. New York: Pantheon, 1964. 4 vols; London: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 1964; New ed. rev. and trans. 4 vols. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1975; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
1975: Abridged ed. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press,
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by R.C.E. Harding. Wellington, 1967.
Typewritten copy.
- Excerpts from Eugene Onegin. Selected Verses in Pushkin's Own
Rhythm and Rhyme Pattern with a Connecting Narrative in Prose by
Henry Jones. Riding Mills, North Umberland: Privately Printed, 1972.
- "Selected Stanzas from Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse."
Translated by Walter Arndt. In his Pushkin Threefold—Narrative,
Lyric, Polemic and Ribald Verse, 145-61, 428-55. The Originals with
Linear and Metric Translations. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1972; New
York: E. P. Dutton, 1993; also in his Collected Narrative and Lyrical
verse, 439-61. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ardis, 1984.
- "Tatyana and Her Nurse, Tatyana's Letter, Tatyana's Flight."
Translated by Reggie Sirivardena. In his Many Voices: 50 Poems from
the Spanish, Italian, French and Russian, 10-13. Colombo: Ena de
Silva Fabrics, 1974?
- Eugene Onegin: A Poetic Novel. Translated by Sir Charles
Johnston. London: Private Printing, 1977. 3d imprint London: Scolar Press,
1978; New York: Viking, 1978; 2d ed. rev. New York: Penguin Classics,
- "Onegin's Journey." Translated by Sir Charles Johnston. In his
Poems and Journeys, 86-97. Introduction by Peter Levi.
London-Sydney-Toronto: Bodley Head for Charles Johnston, 1979; also in
his Narrative Poems of Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov,
3-13. Introduced by Kyril FitzLyon. Modern Library. New York: Random
House, 1983; and his Narrative Poems of Alexander Pushkin and Michael
Lermontov, 3-13. London: Bodley Head for Charles Johnston, 1984.
- "Scenes from Eugene Onegin." Translated by S.D.P. Clough. In
his Homage to Pushkin, 8-22. [London]: Privately Printed, 1982.
- "Excerpts from Onegin's Travels." Translated by Walter Arndt,
5-28. New York, 1988.
- Pushkin's Eugene Onegin. Translated by S.D.P. Clough. Oxford:
Privately Printed, 1988. Parallel Russian Text and English Translation.
- Eugene Onegin. Translated by James E. Falen. Carbondale,
Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press. 1990; paperback ed. The
World's Classics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
- Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse. Translated by S.N. Kozlov.
Moscow: Soiuz, 1994.
- Yevgeny Onegin. Edited and translated by A.D.P. Briggs. Based
on a translation by Oliver Elton. Everyman Library. London: Everyman,
1995; Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle, 1995.
- "From Yevgeny Onegin." Translated by Oliver Elton and A.D.P.
Briggs. In Alexander Pushkin, edited by A.D.P. Briggs. Everyman's
Poetry. Everyman Paperbacks. London: J. M. Dent, 1997.
From: A Bibliography of Alexander Pushkin in English: Studies and
Translations, compiled by Lauren G. Leighton. Lewiston, NY and
Lampeter : Edwin Mellen Press c. 1999, pp. 258–264.
Note that the name Reggie Sirivardena cited above is given in other sources
as Regi Siriwardena.
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