Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction:
WinBUGS output
Attention is drawn to David Lunn et al.,
The BUGS book: A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Analysis,
Boca Racon: CRC Press 2013
Click here for information about WinBUGS.
- Section 2.2 (rocks.out - data on age of rocks)
- Section 2.3 (chests.out - data on chest
- Section 2.8
(ratweight.out - data on uterine
weight of rats - variance assumed known)
- Section 2.12
- data on uterine weight of rats with variance assumed unknown)
- Section 2.13 (wheat.out - data on wheat
with a growth hormone)
- Section 3.1 (limericks.out - data on
- Section 3.4 (misprints.out - data on
misprints using reference prior)
- Section 3.5 (
misprints_informative.out - data on misprints using
informative prior)
- Section 3.6 (uniform.out - data from a
uniform distribution)
- Section 3.8 (firstdigit.out - data
on the first digit problem)
- Section 3.9 (accidents.out - data on
times of accidents using circular normal)
- Section 3.10 (cauchy.out - simulation
from a Cauchy distribution)
- Section 4.1 (w.out - data on the W particle)
- Section 4.3 (ratweight.out - data on
uterine weight of rats)
- Section 4.5 (pointnull.out - data
concerning a point null hypothesis)
- Section 5.1 (sleep.out - data on paired
comparison between sleep gained by drugs)
- Section 5.1 (ratdiet.out - data on
weight gain for rats with different diets - variance known)
- Section 5.2 (ratdiet_unknownvar.out
- data on weight gain for rats with different diets - variance unknown)
- Section 5.4 (hay.out - data on hay yields)
- Section 5.5 (nitrogen.out - Lord Rayleigh's
nitrogen data)
- Section 5.6 (inoculum.out - Di Raimondo's
data on bacterial inoculum on mice)
- Section 6.2 (cuckoo.out - data on cuckoo eggs)
- Section 6.3 (rain.out - data on York rainfall)
- Section 6.4 (raincont.out - further
data on York rainfall)
- Section 6.5 (scabindex.out - data on
scab index for potatoes)
- Section 7.3 (fish.out - data on recapture of fish)
- Section 8.3 (baseball.out - data on
baseball hits)
- Section 9.2 (linkage.out - data on
genetic linkage)
- Section 9.2 (wheat.out - data on wheat
with a growth hormone)
- Section 9.2 (blood.out - data on
coagulation time of blood)
- Section 9.3 (
linkage_augmentation.out - data on genetic linkage)
- Section 9.4 (chained.out - example on
chained data augmentation due to Casella and George)
- Section 9.4 (wheat.out - data on
wheat with a growth hormone)
- Section 9.4 (coal.out - data about
coal mining disasters)
- Section 9.6, Exercise 11 (rats.out - data
about rat weight growth)
Peter M. Lee
Revised 16 November 2007