LaTeX source for Answers to Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction (4th edn)



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Applications of hierarchical models of the kind introduced by Lindley
and Smith (1972) abound in fields as diverse as educational testing
(Rubin 1981), cancer studies (DuMouchel and Harris 1983), and
biological growth curves (Strenio, Weisberg, and Bryk 1983).  However,
both Bayesian and empirical Bayesian models are typically forced to
invoke a number of approximations, whose consequences are often unclear
under the multiparameter likelihoods induced by the modelling.  See, for
example, Morris (1983), Racine-Poon (1985), and Racine-Poon and Smith
(1990) for details of some approaches to to implementing hierarchical
model analysis.  By contrast, a full implementation of the Bayesian
approach is easily achieved using the Gibbs sampler, at least for the
widely used normal hierarchical model structure.

For illustration, we focus on the following population grown problem. 
In a study conducted by the CIBA-GEIGY company, the weights of 30 young
rats in a control group were meassured weekly for five weeks.  The data
are given in Table 3, with weight measurements available for all five
weeks.  Later we discuss the substantive problem of comparison with
data from a treatment group.  Initially, however, we shall focus
attention on the control group in order to illustrate the Gibbs sampling

\textit{Table 3.  Rat Population Growth Data: Control Group}
  ?1\qquad& 151&199&246&283&320& 16\qquad& 160&207&248&288&324 \\
  ?2\qquad& 145&199&249&293&354& 17\qquad& 142&187&234&280&316 \\
  ?3\qquad& 147&214&263&312&328& 18\qquad& 156&203&243&283&317 \\
  ?4\qquad& 155&200&237&272&297& 19\qquad& 157&212&259&307&336 \\
  ?5\qquad& 135&188&230&280&323& 20\qquad& 152&203&246&286&321 \\
  ?6\qquad& 159&210&252&298&331& 21\qquad& 154&205&253&298&334 \\
  ?7\qquad& 141&189&231&275&305& 22\qquad& 139&190&225&267&302 \\
  ?8\qquad& 159&201&248&297&338& 23\qquad& 146&191&229&272&302 \\
  ?9\qquad& 177&236&285&340&376& 24\qquad& 157&211&250&285&323 \\
  10\qquad& 134&182&220&260&296& 25\qquad& 132&185&237&286&331 \\
  11\qquad& 160&208&261&313&352& 26\qquad& 160&207&257&303&345 \\
  12\qquad& 143&188&220&273&314& 27\qquad& 169&216&261&295&333 \\
  13\qquad& 154&200&244&289&325& 28\qquad& 157&205&248&289&316 \\
  14\qquad& 171&221&270&326&358& 29\qquad& 137&180&219&258&291 \\
  15\qquad& 163&216&242&281&312& 30\qquad& 153&200&244&286&324
NOTE: $x_{i1}=8$, $x_{i2}=15$, $x_{i3}=22$, $x_{i4}=29$, $x_{i5}=36$
days; $i=1, ..., 30$.


For the time period considered, it is reasonable to assume individual
straight-line growth curves, although non-linear curves can be handled
as well.  We also assume homoscedastic normal measurement errors
(nonhomogeneous varianes can be accommodated as in the previous
section), so that
\[ Y_{ij} \sim N(\alpha_i+\beta_ix_{ij},\sigma_c^2),\ i=1, ..., k;\ j=1,
..., n_i, \]
provides the full measurement model (with $k=30$, $n_i=5$, and $x_{ij}$
denoting the age in days of the $i$th rate when measurement $j$ was
taken).  The population structure is modeled as
\[  \left(\begin{array}{c}\alpha_i \\ \beta_i\end{array}\right) \sim 
   N\left\{\left(\begin{array}{c}\alpha_c \\ \beta_c\end{array}\right),
    \Sigma_c\right\},\qquad i=1, ..., k, \]
assuming independence throughout.  A full Bayesian analysis now requires
the specification of a prior for $\sigma_c^2$,
$\mu_c=(\alpha_c,\beta_c)^T$, and $\Sigma_c$.  Typical inferences of
interest in such studies include marginal posteriors for the population
parameters $(\alpha_c,\beta_c)$ and predictive intervals for individual
future growth given the first-week measurement.  We shall see that these
are easily obtained using the Gibbs sampler.

For the prior specification, we assume independence, as is customary,
\[ [\mu_c,\Sigma_c^{-1},\sigma_c^2] = 
   [\mu_c][\Sigma_c^{-1}][\sigma_c^2] \]
to have a normal-Wishart-inverse-gamma form:
  [\mu_c]         &= N(\eta,C), \\
  [\Sigma_c^{-1}] &= W((\rho R)^{-1},\rho), \\
  [\sigma_c^2]    &= IG\left(\frac{\nu_0}{2}, \frac{\nu_0\tau_0^2}{2}
Rewriting the measurement model for the $i$th individual as $Y_i \sim
N(X_i\theta,\sigma_c^2I_{n_i})$ where $\theta_i=(\alpha_i,\beta_i)^T$ and
$X_i$ denotes the appropriate design matrix and defining
  Y &= (Y_1, ...,Y_k)^T,\quad \overline\theta=k^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^k\theta_i,
  \quad n=\sum_{i=1}^k n_i, \\
  D_i &= \sigma_c^{-1}X_i^TX_i + \Sigma_c^{-1}, \\
  V &= (k\Sigma_c^{-1} + C^{-1})^{-1},
the Gibbs sampler for $\theta=(\theta_1, ..., \theta_k)$, $\Sigma_c$,
and $\sigma_c^2$ (a total of 66 parameters in the above example) is
straightforwardly seen to be specified by the conditional distributions 
   &= N\{D_i(\sigma_c^{-2}X_i^TY_i + \Sigma_c^{-1}\mu_c),\ D_i\},\quad
   i=1, ..., k \\
    &= N\{V(k\Sigma_c^{-1}\overline\theta + C^{-1}\eta),\ V\}, \\
    &= W\left\{\left[\sum_i(\theta_i-\mu_c)(\theta_i-\mu_c)^T +
                    \rho R\right]^{-1},\ k+\rho\right\}, \\
    &= IG\left(\frac{n+\nu_0}{2},\ 
    \frac{1}{2}\left[\sum_i(Y_i-X_i\theta_i)^T(Y_i-X_i\theta_i) + 
For the analysis of the rat growth data given above, the hyperparameter
specification was defined by
\[ C^{-1}=0,\quad \nu_0=0,\quad p=2,\quad 
   R=\left(\begin{array}{cc}100 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.1\end{array}\right), \]
[because $C^{-1}=0$ the value of $\eta$ disappears entirel from the full
conditionals] reflecting rather vague initial information relative to
that to be provided by the data.  Simulation from the Wishart
distribution for the $2\times2$ matrix $\Sigma_c^{-1}$ is easily
accomplished using the algorithm of Odell and Feiveson (1966): with
$G(\cdot,\cdot)$ denoting gamma distributions, draw independently from
  [U_1] &= G\left(\frac{\nu}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right), \\
  [U_2] &= G\left(\frac{\nu-1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right),
  [N]   &= N(0,1);
\[ W = \left[\begin{array}{cc}U_1 & N\sqrt{U_1} \\
                              N\sqrt{U_1} & U_2+N^2\end{array}\right]; \]
then if $S^{-1}=(H^{1/2})^T(H^{1/2})$,
\[ \Sigma_c^{-1}=(H^{1/2})^TW(H^{1/2}) \sim W(S^{-1},\nu). \]
The iterative process was monitored by observing empirical \textit{Q--Q}
plots for successive samples from $\alpha_c$, $\beta_c$, $\sigma_c^2$,
and the eigenvalues of $\Sigma_c^{-1}$.  Though the $\alpha_i$ and
$\beta_i$ are of less interest, spot checking revealed satisfactory
convergence, not surprising in view of (5), which suggests that
convergence for the $\theta_i$ is comparable to that of $\mu_c$.  For
the data set summarized in Table 3, convergence was achieved with about
35 cycles of $m=50$ drawings.


DuMouchel, W.~H., and Harris, J.~E.\ (1983), ``Bayes methods for 
Combining the Results of Cancer studies in Humans and Other Species'' 
(with discussion), \textit{Journal of the American Statistical 
Association}, 78, 293--305.
Lindley, D.~V., and Smith, A.~F.~M.\ (1972), ``Bayes Estimates for the
Linear Model'' (with discussion), \textit{Journnal of the Royal
Statistical Society}, Ser. B, 34, 1--41.
Morris, C.\ (1983), ``Parametric Empirical bayes Inference: Theory and
Applications,'' \textit{Journal of the American Statistical Association},
78, 47--59.
Odell, P.~L., and Feiveson, A.~H. (1966), ``A Numerical Procedure to
Generate a Sample Covariance Matrix,'' \textit{Journal of the American 
Statistical Association}, 61, 198--203.
Racine-Poon, A.\ (1985), ``A Bayesian Approach to Non-linear Random
Effects Models, \textit{Biometrics}, 41, 1015--1024.
Racine-Poon, A., and Smith, A.~F.~M.\ (1990), ``Population Models,'' in
\textit{Statistical Methodology in the Pharmaceutical Sciences}, ed.\
D.\ Berry, New York: Marcel Dekker.
Rubin, D.~B.\ (1981), ``Estimation in Parallel Randomized Experiments,
\textit{Journal of Educational Statistics}, 6, 377--401.
Strenio, J.~F., Weisberg, H.~I., and Bryk, A.~S.\ (1983), ``Empirical
Bayes Estimation of Individual Growth-Curve Parameters and Their
Relationship to Covariates, \textit{Biometrics}, 39, 71--86.


Taken from ``Illustration of Bayesian Inference in Normal Data Models
Using Gibbs Sampling'', Alan E.~Gelfand, Susan E.~Hills, Amy Racine-Poon,
and Adrian F.~M.~Smith, \textit{Journal of the American Statistical
Association} \textbf{85} (412) (1990), 972--985, Section 6, pp.\
978--979.  See also B.~P.~Carlin and T.~A.~Louis, \textit{Bayes and 
Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis (2nd edn)}, Chapman and Hall 
2000, pp. 148-149.

