% LaTeX source for Misprints and Errors in 4th edn of Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction




% Set up environment for exercises at ends of chapters

% Allow for blank lines

% Define digitwidth and dotwidth (TeXbook p. 241)

% Notation for vectors, matrices, estimates, random variables and sample means

% Notation for dots in subscripts
\newcommand {\bdot}{\hbox{\Huge .}}
\newcommand {\dotdot}{{\hbox{\Huge .}\kern-0.1667em\hbox{\Huge .}}}
\newcommand {\onedot}{1\kern-0.1667em\bdot}
\newcommand {\twodot}{2\kern-0.1667em\bdot}
\newcommand {\idot}{i\kern-0.1667em\bdot}
\newcommand {\jdot}{j\kern-0.1667em\bdot}
\newcommand {\mdot}{m\kern-0.1667em\bdot}
\newcommand {\dotj}{\kern-0.1667em\bdot\kern-0.1667em j}

% Define sech, arc sin and arc cos

% Define Probability, Expectation, Variance, Covariance, Median, Mode
\renewcommand{\Pr}{\mbox{$\mathsf P$}}
\newcommand{\E}{\mbox{$\mathsf E$}}
\newcommand{\Var}{\mbox{$\mathcal V$}}
\newcommand{\Cov}{\mbox{$\mathcal C$}}

% Define notation for evidence

% Define small common fractions for use in display formulae

% Alternative notation for fractions (TeXbook, exercise 11.6)
\raise .5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}\kern-.1em
/\kern-.15em\lower .25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}

% Notation for beta funcion

% Define names of distributions
\newcommand{\N}{\mbox{N}}              % A.1
\newcommand{\G}{\mbox{G}}              % A.4
\newcommand{\Ex}{\mbox{E}}             % A.4
\renewcommand{\t}{\mbox{t}}            % A.8
\newcommand{\Be}{\mbox{Be}}            % A.10
\newcommand{\B}{\mbox{B}}              % A.11
\renewcommand{\P}{\mbox{P}}            % A.12
\newcommand{\NB}{\mbox{NB}}            % A.13
\renewcommand{\H}{\mbox{H}}            % A.14
\newcommand{\U}{\mbox{U}}              % A.15
\newcommand{\UD}{\mbox{UD}}            % A.15
\newcommand{\Pa}{\mbox{Pa}}            % A.16
\newcommand{\Pabb}{\mbox{Pabb}}        % A.16
\newcommand{\M}{\mbox{M}}              % A.17
\newcommand{\BF}{\mbox{BF}}            % A.18
\newcommand{\F}{\mbox{F}}              % A.19
\newcommand{\z}{\mbox{z}}              % A.20
\newcommand{\C}{\mbox{C}}              % A.21

% Define some common bold symbols

% Further bold symbols for use in connection with hierachical models
\newcommand {\bpiem}{\mbox{\boldmath $\pi^{EM}$}}
\newcommand {\bhtheta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetao}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{\mbox{\scriptsize\it0}}$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetajs}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{JS}$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetajsplus}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{JS^{{}_+}}$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetaem}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{EM}$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetab}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{B}$}}
\newcommand {\bhthetaeb}{\mbox{\boldmath $\est\theta^{EB}$}}
\newcommand {\thetabar}{\mbox{$\mean\theta$}}
\newcommand {\bphi}{\mbox{\boldmath $\phi$}}
\newcommand {\BPhi}{\mbox{\boldmath $\Phi$}}
\newcommand {\bpsi}{\mbox{\boldmath $\psi$}}
\newcommand {\BPsi}{\mbox{\boldmath $\Psi$}}
\newcommand {\BSigma}{\mbox{\boldmath $\Sigma$}}

% Define transpose for matrix theory

% Define differentials with roman d and thin space before
\newcommand{\dbx}{\,\text{\d$\vect x$}}
\newcommand{\dby}{\,\text{\d$\vect y$}}

% Hyp for hypothesis

% Blackboard bold Z for the integers
\newcommand{\Z}{\mbox{$\mathbb Z$}}

% Script X for a set of possible observations
\newcommand{\X}{\mbox{$\mathcal X$}}

% EM, GEM, E-step and M-step for the EM algorithm
\newcommand{\EM}{\mbox{\textit{EM}\ }}
\newcommand{\GEM}{\mbox{\textit{GEM}\ }}
\newcommand{\Estep}{\mbox{\textit{E}-step\ }}
\newcommand{\Mstep}{\mbox{\textit{M}-step\ }}

% Omit the word Chapter at the start of chapters

% Set up for reference list





  {\Huge{\textbf{Bayesian Statistics:}}}\\

  {\LARGE{\textbf{An Introduction}}}\\


  {\Large{\textbf{Fourth Edition}}}\\


  {\Large{\textbf{Peter M. Lee}}}\\
  \vspace{3 mm}
    Formerly Provost of Wentworth College,}}}}\\
    University of York, UK}}}}\\
  {\Huge{\textbf{WILEY}}} \\
  A John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd, Publication







\chapter{Misprints and Errors}

\nextq Page xix, line 8.  For ``variation'' read ``variational''.

\nextq Page xix, line $-9$.  For ``Jacco Thyssen'' read ``Jacco

\nextq Page 32, Question 3.  For ``it it'' read ``if it''.

\nextq Page 100, line 8.  For ``\C$\theta$,1)'' read ``\C($\theta$,1)''.

\nextq Page 125, line $-9$.  For ``\C$\theta$,1)'' read ``\C($\theta$,1)''.

\nextq Page 128, line 4.  For ``$(\mean x-\theta)/(s/\sqrt{n}) \sim
_{n-1}$'' read ``$(\mean x-\theta)/(s/\sqrt{n}) \sim \t_{n-1}$''.

\nextq Page 128, footnote.  For ``$D_KL(1|2)$'' read ``$D_{KL}(1|2)$''.

\nextq Page 341, line $-9$.  For
\[ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{f(x_i)\,q(x_i)}{p(x_i)}
   = \sum_{i=1}^n
     (2\pi)^{-\frac{1}{2}}\exp\left[-\half x_i^2+x_i-4\right]. \]
\[ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{f(x_i)\,q(x_i)}{p(x_i)}
   = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n
     (2\pi)^{-\frac{1}{2}}\exp\left[-\half x_i^2+x_i-4\right]. \]

\nextq Page 341, line $-4$  For
\[ \E w(x) = \E \left(\frac{f(x)q(x)}{p(x)}\right) 
    = \int \left(\frac{f(x)q(x)}{p(x)}\right)\dx 
    = \int f(x)q(x)\dx = \theta \]
\[ \E w(x) = \E \left(\frac{f(x)q(x)}{p(x)}\right) 
    = \int \left(\frac{f(x)q(x)}{p(x)}\right)p(x)\dx 
    = \int f(x)q(x)\dx = \theta \]

\nextq Page 189, line $-3$.  For ``1210'' read ``1.210''.

\nextq Page 445.  Insert among references


Gaver, D.\ and O'Muircheartaigh, I., Robust empirical Bayes analysis of
     event rates, \textit{Technometrics}, \textbf{29} (1) (1987), 1--15.

\nextq Page 453.  Insert among references


Walther, G., Inference and modelling with log-concave distributions,
     \textit{Statistical Science}, \textbf{24} (2009), 319--327.


\nextq Page 461.  Include in index


Stein estimator, 264


\textit{Revised 14 November 2016.}
