% LaTeX source for Table III (set Landscape) from Galton on Co-relation or Correlation
\mbox{Table III.---Stature M$_s = 67.2$ inches; Q$_s = 1.75$ inches.
Left Cubit M$_c = 18.05$ inches; Q$_c = 0.56$ inch.} \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } &
& \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Deviation from M$_c$ reckoned in} & & \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{Deviation from M$_s$} & &
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\ } & Smoothed & \\
No.\ of & & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{reckoned in} & Mean of & &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\ } & values & Added to \\
cases. & Stature. & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } & corresponding & &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Units of Q$_c$} & multiplied & M$_c$. \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } & left cubits. & Inches. &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\ } & by Q$_c$. & \\
\cline{3-4} \cline{7-8}
& & Inches. & Units of Q$_s$. & & & Observed. & Smoothed. & & \\
& inches. & & & inches. & & & & & \\
30 & 70.0 & $+2.8$ & $+1.69$ & 18.8 & $+0.8$ & $+1.42$ & $+1.30$ & $+0.73$
& 18.8 \\
50 & 69.0 & $+1.8$ & $+1.03$ & 18.3 & $+0.3$ & $+0.53$ & $+0.84$ & $+0.47$
& 18.5 \\
38 & 68.0 & $+0.8$ & $+0.46$ & 18.2 & $+0.2$ & $+0.36$ & $+0.38$ & $+0.21$
& 18.3 \\
61 & 67.0 & $-0.2$ & $-0.11$ & 18.1 & $+0.1$ & $+0.18$ & $-0.08$ & $-0.04$
& 18.0 \\
48 & 66.0 & $-1.2$ & $-0.69$ & 17.8 & $-0.2$ & $-0.36$ & $-0.54$ & $-0.30$
& 17.8 \\
36 & 65.0 & $-2.2$ & $-1.25$ & 17.7 & $-0.3$ & $-0.53$ & $-1.00$ & $-0.56$
& 17.5 \\
21 & 64.0 & $-3.2$ & $-1.83$ & 17.2 & $-0.8$ & $-1.46$ & $-1.46$ & $-0.80$
& 17.2 \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } &
& \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Deviation from M$_s$ reckoned in} & & \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{Devation from M$_c$} & &
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\ } & Smoothed & \\
No.\ of & Left & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{reckoned in} & Mean of & &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\ } & values & Added to \\
cases. & cubit. & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } & corresponding & &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Units of Q$_s$} & multiplied & M$_s$. \\
& & \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{\ } & statures. & Inches. &
\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\ } & by Q$_c$. & \\
\cline{3-4} \cline{7-8}
& & Inches. & Units of Q$_c$. & & & Observed. & Smoothed. & & \\
& inches. & & & inches. & & & & & \\
\z38 & 19.25 & $+1.20$ & $+2.14$ & 70.3 & $+3.1$ & $+1.8$ & $+1.70$ & $+3.0$
& 70.2 \\
\z55 & 18.75 & $+0.70$ & $+1.25$ & 68.7 & $+1.5$ & $+0.9$ & $+1.00$ & $+1.8$
& 69.0 \\
102 & 18.25 & $+0.20$ & $+0.36$ & 67.4 & $+0.2$ & $+0.1$ & $+0.28$ & $+0.5$
& 67.7 \\
\z61 & 17.75 & $-0.30$ & $-0.53$ & 66.3 & $-0.9$ & $-0.5$ & $-0.43$ & $-0.8$
& 66.4 \\
\z49 & 17.25 & $-0.80$ & $-1.42$ & 65.0 & $-2.2$ & $-1.3$ & $-1.15$ & $-2.0$
& 65.2 \\
\z25 & 16.75 & $-1.30$ & $-2.31$ & 63.7 & $-3.5$ & $-2.0$ & $-1.85$ & $-3.2$
& 64.0 \\