LaTeX source for Barnard on Bayes\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{center} THOMAS BAYES'S ESSAY TOWARDS SOLVING A PROBLEM IN \\ THE DOCTRINE OF CHANCES \bigskip {\large THOMAS BAYES---A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE} \bigskip {\large\textbf{\textsc{By} G. A. BARNARD}} \end{center} \bigskip \noindent Bayes's paper, reproduced in the following papers, must rank as one of the most famous memoirs in the history of science and the problem it discusses is still the subject of keen controversy. The intellectual stature of Bayes himself is measured by the fact that it is still of scientific as well as historical interest to know what Bayes had to say on the questions he raised. And yet such are the vagaries of historical records, that almost nothing is known about the personal history of the man. \textit{The Dictionary of National Biography}, compiled at the end of the last century, when the whole theory of probability was in temporary eclipse in England, has an entry devoted to Bayes's father, Joshua Bayes, F.R.S., one of the first six Nonconformist ministers to be publicly ordained as such in England, but it has nothing on this much more distinguished son. Indeed, the note on Thomas Bayes which is to appear in the forthcoming new edition of the \textit{Encyclopedia Britannica} will apparently be the first biographical note to appear in a work of general reference since the \textit{Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography} was published in Glasgow in 1865. And in treatises on the history of mathematics, such as that of Loria (1933) and Cantor (1908), notice is taken of his contributions to probability theory and to mathematical analysis, but biographical details are lacking. The Reverend Thomas Bayes, F.R.S., author of the first expression in precise, quantitative form of one of the modes of inductive inference, was born in 1702, the eldest son of Ann Bayes and Joshua Bayes, F.R.S. He was educated privately, as was usual with Nonconformists at that time, and from the fact that when Thomas was 12 Bernoulli wrote to Leibniz that `poor de Moivre' was having to earn a living in London by teaching mathematics, we are tempted to speculate that Bayes may have learned mathematics from one of the founders of the theory of probability. Eventually Thomas was ordained, and began his ministry by helping his father, who was at the time stated, minister of the Presbyterian meeting house in Leather Lane, off Holborn. Later the son went to minister in Tunbridge Wells at the Presbyterian Chapel on Little Mount Sion which had opened on 1 August 1720. It is not known when Bayes went to Tunbridge Wells, but he was not the first to minister on Little Mount Sion, and he was certainly there in 1731, when he produced a tract entitled `Divine Benevolence, or an attempt to prove that the Principle End of the Divine Providence and Government is the happiness of His Creatures'. The tract was published by John Noon and copies are in Dr Williams's library and the British Museum. The following is a quotation: \smallskip\small [p.\ 22]; I don't find (I am sorry to say it) any necessary connection between mere intelligence, though ever so great, and the love or approbation of kind and beneficent actions. \smallskip\normalsize Bayes argued that the principal end of the Deity was the happiness of His creatures, in opposition to Balguy and Grove who had, respectively, maintained that the first spring of the action of the Deity was Rectitude and Wisdom. In 1736, John Noon published a tract entitled `An Introduction to the Doctrine of Fluxions, and a Defence of the Mathematicians against the objections of the Author of the Analyst'. De Morgan (1860) says: `This very acute tract is anonymous, but it was always attributed to Bayes by the contemporaries who write in the names of the authors as I have seen in various copies, and it bears his name in other places.' The ascription to Bayes is accepted also in the British Museum catalogue. From the copy in Dr Williams's library we quote: \smallskip\small [p.\ 9]: It is not the business of the Mathematician to dispute whether quantities do in fact ever vary in the manner that is supposed, but only whether the manner of their doing so be intelligible; which being allowed, he has a right to take it for granted, and then see what deductions he can make from that supposition. It is not the business of a Mathematician to show that a strait line or circle can be drawn, but he tells you what he means by these; and if you understand him, you may proceed further with him; and it would not be to the purpose to object that there is no such thing in nature as a true strait line or perfect circle, for this is none of his concern: he is not inquiring how things are in matter of fact, but supposing things to be in a certain way, what are the consequences to be deduced from them; and all that is to be demanded of this is, that his suppositions be intelligible, and his inferences just from the suppositions he makes. [p.\ 48]: He [i.e.\ the Analyst = Bishop Berkeley] represents the disputes and controversies among mathematicians as disparaging the evidence of their methods: and, Query 51, he represents Logics and Metaphysics as proper to open their eyes, and to extricate them from their difficulties. Now were ever two things thus put together? If the dispute of the professors of any science disparage the science itself, Logics and Metaphysics are much more to be disparaged than Mathematics; why, therefore, if I am half blind, must I take for my guide one who can't see at all? [p.\ 50]: So far as Mathematics do not tend to make men more sober and rational thinkers, wiser and better persons, they are only to be considered as an amusement, which ought not to take us off from serious business. \smallskip\normalsize \noindent This tract may have had something to do with Bayes's election, in 1742, to Fellowship of the Royal Society, for which the sponsors were Earl Stanhope, Martin Folkes, James Burtow, Cromwell Mortimer, and John Eames. William Whiston, Newton's successor in the Lucasian Chair at Cambridge, who was expelled from the University for Arianism, notes in his memoirs (p.\ 390) that `on August the 24th this year 1746, being Lord's Day, and St.\ Bartholomew's Day, I breakfasted at Mr Bay's, a dissenting Minister at Tunbridge Wells, and a Successor, though not immediate, to Mr Humphrey Ditton, and like him a very good mathematician also'. Whiston goes on to relate what he said to Bayes, but gives no indication that Bayes made reply. According to Strange (1949) Bayes wished to retire from his ministry as early as 1749, when he allowed a group of Independents to bring ministers from London to take services in the chapel week by week, except for Easter, 1750, when he refused his pulpit to one of these preachers; and in 1752 he was succeeded in his ministry by the Rev.\ William Johnston, A.M., who inherited Bayes's valuable library. Bayes continued to live in Tunbridge Wells until his death on 17 April 1761\footnote{The \textit{Gentleman's Magazine} (see references below) includes among the \textit{List of} \textsc{Deaths} \textit{for the} Year 1760 ``Rev.\ Mr Bayes, at Tunbridge Wells'' on 7 rather than 17 April as given in this article.}. His body was taken to be buried, with that of his father, mother, brothers and sisters, in the Bayes and Cotton family vault in Bunhill Fields, the Nonconformist burial ground by Moorgate. This cemetery also contains the grave of Bayes's friend, the Unitarian Rev.\ Richard Price, author of the \textit{Northampton Life Table} and object of Burke's oratory and invective in \textit{Reflections of the French Revolution}, and the graves of John Bunyan, Samuel Watts, Daniel Defoe, and many other famous men. Bayes's will, executed on 12 December 1760, shows him to have been a man of substance. The bulk of his estate was divided among his brothers, sisters, nephews and cousins, but he left \pounds200 equally between `John Boyl late preacher at Newington and at Norwich, and Richard Price now I suppose preacher at Newington Green'. He also left `To Sarah Jeffery, daughter of John Jeffery, living with her father at the corner of Fountains Lane near Tonbridge Wells, \pounds500, and my watch made by Elliott and all my linen and wearing apparell and household stuff.' Apart from the tracts already noted, and the celebrated Essay reproduced here, Bayes wrote a letter on Asymptotic Series to John Canton, published in the \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society} (1763, pp.\ 269--271). His mathematical work, though small in quantity, is of the very highest quality; both his tract on fluxions and his paper on asymptotic series contain thoughts which did not receive as clear an expression again until almost a century had elapsed. Since copies of the volume in which Bayes's essay first appeared are not rare, and copies of a photographic reprint issued by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. U.S.A., are fairly widely dispersed, the view has been taken that in preparing Bayes's paper for publication here some editing is permissible. In particular, the notation has been modernized, some of the archaisms have been removed and what seem to be obvious printer's errors have been corrected. All the work of preparing the text for the printer was most painstakingly and expertly carried out by Mr M.\ Gilbert, B.Sc., A.R.C.S. Thanks are also due to the Royal Society for permission to reproduce the Essay in its present form. In writing the biographical notes the present author has had the friendly help of many persons, including especially Dr A.\ Fletcher and Mr R.\ L.\ Plackett, of the University of Liverpool, Mr J.\ F.\ C.\ Willder, of the Department of Pathology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, and Mr M.\ E.\ Ogborn, F.I.A., of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. He would also like to thank Sir Ronald Fisher, for some initial prodding which set him moving, and Prof.\ E.\ S.\ Pearson, for patient encouragement to see the matter through to completion. \bigskip\bigskip\bigskip \begin{center} REFERENCES \end{center} \textsc{Anderson, J.\ G.}\ (1941). \textit{Mathematical Gazette}, \textbf{25}, 160--2.\newline \textsc{Cantor, M.}\ (1908). \textit{Geschichte der Mathematik}, vol.\ \textsc{iv}. (article by Netto.)\newline \textsc{De Morgan, A.}\ (1960) \textit{Notes and Queries}, 7 Jan 1860, 9--10, ``Queries: Rev.\ Thomas Bayes, etc.''\newline \textsc{Loria, G.}\ (1933). \textit{Storia delle Mathematiche}, vol.\ \textsc{iii}. Turin.\newline \textsc{Mackenzie, M.}\ (Ed.) (1865). \textit{Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography}, 3 vols.\ Glasgow.\newline \textsc{Strange, C.\ H.}\ (1949). \textit{Nonconformity in Tunbridge Wells}. Tunbridge Wells.\newline \textit{The Gentleman's Magazine} (1761 [April]), \textbf{31}, 188.\newline \textit{Notes and Queries} [\textbf{180}] (1941), 19 April [282--283]. \medskip \noindent {\small[Since this biographical note was written, Mr O.\ B.\ Sheynin has suggested that reference should be made to a second contribution from Price, ``Supplement to the Essay on a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances'' (\textit{Phil.\ Trans.}\ 1765, \textbf{54}, 296--335). This is concerned with improving approximations made in the main Essay. Ed.]} \bigskip \noindent [From \textit{Biometrika} \textbf{45} (1958), 293--315; reprinted in E.~S.~Pearson and M.~G.~Kendall (ed.), \textit{Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability}, London: Griffin 1970.] \end{document} %