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The Deleuzian Line

Monday 29 June 2015, 2.30PM

'This line is simple, abstract and yet is the most complex of all, the most tortuous’

– Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet, Dialogues II, (2007)

The Deleuzian line is a complex entity. Encompassing, inscribing, and undoing modes of societal and cultural control, space, and even the essence of life, Deleuze’s line(s) both express and determine the world around us and our relation to it: ‘whether we are individuals or groups, we are made of lines’, he wrote in his Dialogues. This discussion group will introduce and examine the Deleuzian molar and molecular lines and lines of flight in relation to the early modern period, probing whether such complex conceptual renderings of the line have any practical relevance or conceptual analogy in the study of the renaissance episteme and its writing, typography, science, art and architecture.

We would love to hear from anyone with an interest in early modern lines in the most broad sense, or with interests in Deleuzian theory. We’ll be wrestling with these concepts together – no former expertise or knowledge required. A short and introductory piece of reading will be sent out before the event.
Refreshments will be provided. Travel bursaries generously funded by WRoCAH are available for students from the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield.
Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing by Friday 27th June so we make sure we have ordered enough cake!

Location: B/S 008, Berrick Saul Building

Admission: All welcome.

Email: earlymodernlines@york.acuk