Friday 20 June 2014, 7.30PM
Lady Brute and Sir John have been married for two years. To him, it feels like a lifetime. To her, a life sentence. But will she accept the advances of a potential lover?
The Department of Theatre, Film and Television are staging Vanbrugh's brilliant 1697 comedy, partly in celebration of the 350th anniversary of Vanbrugh's birth. John Vanbrugh's hilarious play takes a witty look at marriage, courtship and temptation. From the drunken antics of the ale-house to the heart of fashionable London, this is a production not to be missed. It seems only right that York and the University should celebrate in this way the achievements of a man who is closely associated with both, and who, not content with outstanding achievements as an architect, proved himself to be one of the finest playwrights of his time.
Tickets: £10 (Full price) and £5 (Concessions) can be purchased via Purchased tickets can be collected on the door at the performance.
Also not to be missed - On Friday 20 June 2014 at 5.45pm We welcome the UK's leading theatre critic, Michael Billington, to discuss 'Restoration Comedy on the Modern Stage' with director Michael Cordner.
This is a free, ticketed event. Places can be booked via
For further information, please visit our website: or email
Location: Scenic Stage Theatre, Department of Theatre, Film and Television