Cabinet of Curiosities Pot Luck Dinner & Playreading
Friday 14 March 2014, 7.00PM
The Cabinet of Curiosities team warmly invites you to feast on all things early modern at our potluck dinner and playreading on Friday 14th March from 7pm.
All you need to bring is yourself and some food. All dishes are welcome, sweet and/or savoury, and there'll be the opportunity to heat things up when you arrive. For those feeling adventurous, we encourage you to try an early modern recipe (although please note that this is entirely optional!). Matilda Marshall, CREMS alumna and chef extraordinaire, very kindly produced a blogpost for last year's event with advice on early modern recipe sources and practical tips which you can access here If you'd like further advice, please email and we'll do our best to help!
If you'd like to come, please RSVP by noon on March 12th, telling us if you've got any allergies and, preferably, letting us know what you'll be bringing. We'll send out details about the venue closer to the time