Seneca - A Model for the Royal Confessor?
Wednesday 28 November 2012, 4.30PM
Speaker(s): Dr Nicole Reinhardt (Durham)
CREMS Seminar
Refreshments available 15 minutes before the start
Nicole Reinhardt researches on early modern European political culture, particularly in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Her first book examined clientele and patronage in 17th century Bologna as a means of understanding the social mechanisms underlying state building. More recently she has focused on religious discourse in political contexts, and its roles in the representation and constitution of political power. Her current project is concerned with the normative concepts and the practical problems of political counsel in catholic monarchies during the 16th and 17th centuries. Nicole has wide interests in intellectual history, the history of political thought, moral theology and in questions of theory and historiography.
Research Interests
- Interaction between religion and politics
- Norms, ethics and institutions in early modern Europe
Books: authored
- 2000 Macht und Ohnmacht der Verflechtung. Rom und Bologna unter Paul V. Studien zur frühneuzeitlichen Mikropolitik im Kirchenstaat, Tübingen: Bibliotheca Academica Verlag, 481 pp.
Essays in edited volumes
- 2007 'Dissimulation, Politik und Moral', in Wolfgang Reinhard (ed.), Krumme Touren. Anthropologie kommunikativer Umwege, Vienna: Böhlau, pp. 165-182
- 2007 'Juan de Mariana: Bibelexegese und Tyrannenmord', in Andreas Pecar & Kai Trampedach (eds.), Die Bibel als politisches Argument, München: Beiheft der Historischen Zeitschrift, pp. 273-294
- 2007 'The King’s confessor: changing images', in Michael Schaich (ed.), Monarchy and Religion: The Transformation of Royal Culture in Eighteenth Century Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 153-185
- 2005 'Bolonais à Rome – Romains à Bologne? Carrières et stratégies entre centre et périphérie. Une esquisse', in Armand Jamme & Olivier Poncet (eds.), Offices et papauté (XIVe-XVIIe siècle) Charges, hommes, destins, Rome: Ecole française de Rome, pp. 237-249
- 2002 'Verflechtung – ein Blick zurück nach vorn', in Peter Burschel, Mark Häberlein, Volker Reinhardt, Wolfgang E.J. Weber & Reinhard Wendt (eds.), Historische Anstöße. Festschrift für Wolfgang Reinhard zum 65. Geburtstag am 10. April 2002, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 235-262
Journal papers: academic
- 2009 'Spin-doctor of conscience? The royal confessor and the Christian prince', Renaissance Studies 23, pp. 568-590
- 2005 (with Birgit Emich, Hillard von Thiesson and Christian Wieland) 'Stand und Perspektiven der Patronageforschung. Zugleich eine Antwort auf Heiko Droste', Zeitschrift für historische Forschung 32, pp. 233-265
- 2003 'Les relations internationales à travers les femmes au temps de Louis XIV. “L’amitié qu’elle a pour moi fait qu’elle m’écoute et son mari aussi”', Revue d’histoire diplomatique 3, pp. 193-230
- 2001 'Quanto è differente Bologna? La città tra amici, padroni e miti all’inizio del Seicento', Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica 2, pp. 107-146
Location: Berrick Saul, room BS/008
Admission: Open to all with an interest