Welcome to a new year at CREMS! The Cabinet of Curiosities is the CREMS student group and we host a number of Renaissance-themed activities throughout the year, including talks, movie nights, and social occasions. Now that term is under way, we would like the chance to get to know everyone better. We therefore warmly invite all CREMS postgrads to a potluck lunch in the Treehouse. Bring your favorite dish to share; beverages will be provided. We warmly encourage all MA students studying the early modern in any discipline and all new PhD students to attend, and hope to see more advanced students, too! If you have any questions, or would like to suggest an activity, email us at curiositycabinet2010@gmail.com, or, better, speak to us at the potluck!
Best wishes, The Cabinet Committee (Claire Canavan, Emily Hansen, Emma Kennedy, Chris Knaack, Robin Macdonald)